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'Apostare, replico Sancho, que pensa vuestra merced que yo he hecho de mi persona alguna cosa que no deba. 'I will lay a wager, replied Sancho, 'that your worship thinks that I have &c. The brief, but memorable, answer was: 'Peor es meneallo, amigo Sancho, which, as no translation could do justice to it, must be left as it stands. We were nearly meeting with an adventure here.

"It is a heart pierced with the dart of love, and the motto of 'pensa al cuore trafitto d'amore?" "Naught else, as my eyes do their duty. I should think there was but very little meant by those words, Signore!" "That as may be. Thou hast never sold a jewel with that conceit?" "Just Samuel! We dispose of them daily to Christians of both sexes and all ages.

'Having finished that, I came to look at the church fine building fine monuments two interesting people looking at them. 'What? 'I stand corrected. Pensa molto, parla poco, as the Italians have it. 'Well, now, Mr. Dare, suppose you get back to the castle? 'Which history dubs Castle Stancy.... Certainly. 'How do you get on with the measuring? Dare sighed whimsically.

For these are the Volga Provinces Samara, Pensa, Voronish, Vintka, and a dozen others. No! Tver the civilized, the prosperous, the manufacturing centre. Osterno is built of wood. Should it once fairly catch alight in a high wind, all that will be left of this town will be a few charred timbers and some dazed human beings.

Two of the peasants who had killed Peter Nikolaevich Sventizky, had been sentenced to the gallows, and Mahorkin was ordered to go to Pensa to hang them. On all previous occasions he used to write a petition to the governor of the province he knew well how to read and to write stating that he had been ordered to fulfil his duty, and asking for money for his expenses.

The Northern traveller, standing beneath his master-works in Parma, may hear from each of those radiant and laughing faces what the young Italian said to Goethe: Perchè pensa? pensando s' invecchia. Michael Angelo is the prophet or seer of the Renaissance.

Sighing still again, the girl turned once more to the old-fashioned instrument, with its faded crimson silk behind the walnut fretwork, and, playing the plaintive melody, sang an ancient serenade: Di questo cor tu m'hai ferito il core A cento colpi, piu non val mentire. Pensa che non sopporto piu il dolore, E se segu cosi, vado a morire.

She sits below the cross with a face full of tears and sorrow, lifting both her widespread arms to heaven, while on the stem of the tree above is written this legend, 'Non vi si pensa quanto sangue costa. The cross is of the same kind as that which was carried in procession by the White Friars at the time of the plague of 1348, and afterwards deposited in the Church of S. Croce at Florence.

The Pisans have a significant motto: "Pisa pensa a chi posa." We did not, however, stay long enough in the town to experience the truth of the aphorism. Arrival in Rome Hotel de la Ville The Corso The Strangers' Quarter Roman Guides View from the Capitol "How are the Mighty fallen!"

You see, this Duchess de la Ferte is showing off to a sister-duchess a poor girl of genius, like a puppet or an ape. "'Allons, mademoiselle, parlez Madame, vous allez voir comme elle parle Elle vit que j'hesitois a repondre, et pensa qu'il falloit m'aider comme une chanteuse a qui l'on indique ce qu'on desire d'entendre Parlez un peu de religion, mademoiselle, vous direz ensuite autre chose.