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Updated: January 17, 2025

Wilt thou mope for ever?" She trembled. "Nay, nay, I'll mope no more, father," says she. "But do thou tell me who my mate is to be." Slyly he looked at her burning face and slyly kissed it. Then he began to sing "Quell' drudo, Messer Amore, Ha scelto un Dardo per cuore! Dardo acerbo, ardente, Che fa gridare le genti Ohimè! Dolce dolore!" She had been a fool indeed to miss such a rebus.

A passage in which the spirit of the poet has fully roused his manly commentator is the noble burst of indignant reproach with which he inveighs against and mourns over Italy in Canto VI. of the "Purgatory": Ahi serva Italia, di dolore ostello, Nave senza nocchiero in gran tempesta, Non donna di provincie, ma bordello.

And a stroll through the section San Lorenzo on a bleak December day, where I saw, how my poor people, kept in ignorance and filth, manfully battle against suffering and misery, made me feel that Italy, when her glorious sunlight fades, is still ever the land of the "sofferenza" and still deserves the cry of lamentation: "Ahi, selva Italia! di dolore ostello!"

The leit-motif has crept into the high form of absolute tones to make it as definite and dramatic as any opera. Per me si va nella cit-ta do-lente; Per me si va nell'eterno dolore; and in still higher chant Per me si va tra la perduta gente. All hope abandon, ye who enter in!" In a violent paroxysm we hear the doom of the monotone in lowest horns.

You see their cheerful biographer doing all he knows, and the light he shoots across the blackness only makes it blacker. Nessun maggior dolore Che ricordarsi di tempo felice Nella miseria; and in the end the biographer with all his cheerfulness succumbs to the tradition of misery, and even adds a dark contribution of his own, the suggestion of an unhappy love-affair of Charlotte's.

Although disgusted with the life I was leading I was unwilling to change it: Simigliante a quells 'nferma Che non puo trovar posa in su le piume, Ma con dar volta suo dolore scherma. Thus I tortured my mind to give it change, and I fell into all these vagaries in order to get away from myself.

Nessun maggior dolore che ricordarsi del tempo felice nella miseria.... For a weak and tender soul it is the greatest of misfortunes ever to have known the greatest happiness. But though it is sad indeed to lose the beloved at the beginning of life, it is even more terrible later on when the springs of life are running dry.

[Footnote 1: The reason given is curious: "Perchè quando Gesù pareva tormentato essendo vivo, il dolore si partiva fr

It is not without significance that the first modern eclogues were from the same pen as the sonnet 'Fontana di dolore, albergo d'ira, expressive of the shame with which earnest sons of the Church contemplated the captivity of the holy father at Avignon; for thus on the very threshold of Arcadia we are met with those bitter denunciations of ecclesiastical corruption which strike so characteristic a note in the works of the satirical Mantuan, and seem so out of place in the songs of Spenser and Milton.

Sending his suite around by another path, he went alone to her tomb and tarried for a time in prayer and sorrow. Later, in verse, he commemorates this visit, closing with the words: "...pur chiamando, Selvaggia! L'alpe passai, con voce di dolore."

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