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Here his pretty little Pet Daisy might play happily, and get back her rosy cheeks, and sleep well at night without coming downstairs heavy-eyed to breakfast. Finally he took the house on the spot, and ordered in paperers and painters for the following Monday. He was asked if he would like to choose the papers.

This was some consolation to me for the paperers and painters certainly did not like it. I used to enjoy hearing what they said to each after Lalage had finished with them. Before and after she dealt with the men she used to consult with my mother about clothes. Miss Battersby was admitted to these council meetings. I never was. Patterns of materials arrived from the most distant shops.

There was an interval devoted on her part to various bibs and trays, and a low aside to the waitress. Then she went on: "As you know, I went, meanin' to beg off. On account of baby bein' so little, and Leo's cough, and the paperers bein' upstairs, and all! I thought I'd just make a donation, and let it go at that. But the ladies all kind of hung back there was very few there and I got talkin' "

Schuler's office should be pink with white paint and white curtains at the windows. "We can get very pretty papers for ten cents a roll," said Margaret. "I saw some beauties when I went to the paperers to get some flowery papers for James to cut out when he was pasting decorations on to our Christmas Ship boxes." "Are you going to use wall paper?" asked Miss Merriam quickly.

"A blue paper is going up in the bedroom pale, pale blue, with loops of roses tied with lovers' knots s-imply sweet! ... Nothing but brown paper in the little room over the door nasty, common brown paper like you use for parcels. Hideous! What can they be thinking of?" and the girls would stare together through the windows, watching every movement of painters and paperers with breathless interest.

It would have been difficult to say whether triumphant malice and daring, or fear, prevailed in her heart. Harry, carrying the lamp, entered the room, with Maria slinking at his heels. The first thing he saw was the torn paper. "Hullo!" said he. He approached the bay-window with his lamp. "Confound those paperers!" he said. For a minute Maria did not say a word.

But this did not fully account for his being in and out, backwards and forwards, all the morning, looking wistfully at Ethel, and then asking some trivial question about messages left for his father, or matters respecting his own new abode, where he kept on Dr. Spencer's old housekeeper, and was about to turn in paperers and painters.

Naturally it needed much renovation and decorating before it was again fit for a private residence, and paperers and painters had been busy there for many weeks. They had only just removed the ladders by the middle of July. It was nearly August before Mr.

"I went to Yoden, John, a week ago," she said, "to hire men to meet the furniture and take it to the house. Well, I can tell you I was a bit amazed to find there had been a lot of workmen there for more than two weeks paperers, painters, decorators and upholsterers. I thought you had sent them to Yoden." "Not I! Not one of them. Did you think I could be so wicked?

"Loads of sunlight and fresh air, Sue, and well up off the ground!" she summarized it. The decision made all sorts of madness reasonable. If they were to live there, would this thing fit would that thing fit why not see paperers at once, why not look at stoves? Susan and Billy must "get an idea" of chairs and tables, must "get an idea" of curtains and rugs.