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At one place, being humbly requested to present the inn with his armorial bearings, he consented loftily; but painted them himself, to mine host's wonder, who thought he lowered himself by handling brush. The true count stood grinning by, and held the paint-pot, while the sham count painted the shield with three red herrings rampant under a sort of Maltese cross made with two ell-measures.

"And have you seen your latest lampoon, Mr. Garrick?" asks Comyn, winking at me. Up leaps Mr. Garrick, so suddenly as to knock the paint-pot from Gast's hand. "Nay, your Lordship jests, surely!" he cried, his voice shaking. "Jests!" says my Lord, very serious; "do I jest, Carlisle?" And turning to Mr. Cross, the prompter, who stood by, "Fetch me the St. James's Evening Post," says he.

But Henry told us not to touch the paint." "No, he didn't, Sue. He only told us to keep away from the wheelbarrow, and I am. I won't go near it. But we'll get the pot of paint, and stripe the calf green." "All right," agreed Sue. "I'll hold the paint-pot, and you can dip your brush in." Not meaning to do anything wrong, of course, Bunny and Sue hurried to get the pot of paint.

But at length, having an eye for colour, he was given a paint-pot and brushes, slung over the galley's stern, and set to work to touch up the window-frames of the Commodore's cabin. The position was uncomfortable at first, since the board on which he was slung was but eight inches wide, and the galley's stern rose to a considerable height above the water.

Being utterly ignorant of the particular locality into which he had penetrated though well enough acquainted with the main thoroughfares of the city his only care was to put as many intricate streets and lanes as possible between himself and the detectives. This was soon done, and thereafter, turning into a darkish passage, he got rid of the paint-pot and borrowed costume.

"Well, come on up here." So the foreman put his hands under David's arms, and he lifted David right up, over the staging, and set him down with his feet hanging over. And the painter dipped his brush into the paint, and patted it gently against the side of the paint-pot, plop, plop, plop, and he handed the brush to David. "Oh," David said, "it's heavy!" "So it is," the painter said.

"I left out about the colour in the cheek," he answered, with a smirk at what he took to be the quickness of his wit. "You kept your paint-pot for me," she replied softly. "And the dove-cote, too," he rejoined, bowing finely, and almost carried off his feet by his own brilliance.

In these imponderable and invisible matters, many are in a like case with Hamlet's mother, when she was unable to see the ghost of his father which he so plainly saw. "Yet all there is I see!" exclaimed the queen though she was quite wrong, as wrong as Mr. Ruskin when he could see nothing in that painting of Whistler's but a cocks-comb throwing a paint-pot at a canvas and calling it a picture!

I'm blowed! Girls aren't worth a damn.... Thirty to one off Bill Short he'd have laid it. I remember seeing the price quoted in all the papers. Thirty to one taken and hoffered. If you had told me all yer knowed I might 'ave gone 'alf a quid fifteen pun to 'alf a quid! as much as I'd earn in three months slaving eight and ten hours a day, paint-pot on 'and about them blooming engines.

The deck is fresh scraped as well as the mizen-mast, and the white paint-pot has been used freely. 9th May. We are now in Australian waters, sailing along under the lee of Cape Leeuwin, though the land is not yet in sight. Australian birds are flying about our ship, unlike any we have yet seen. We beat up against the wind which is blowing off the land, our yards slewed right round.