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There will surely be other signs, however, and we'll look for them while we look for the rock." "Suppose now we scatters and looks up along the brook and along the ridge for the rock the pacin' were done from," suggested Andy. "'Tis like to be a different lookin' rock from most of un around here or they wouldn't have picked un." "And 'tis like to be a big un too," volunteered Micah.

"Noo she was never a favourite wi' ony ane o' her ain fowk, but still they couldna hear sic a cry frae her ohn run to the yell." "They fand him pacin' up and doon the ha', an' luikin' like a deid man in a rage o' fear. But when they telled him, he only leuch at them, an' ca'd them ill names, an' said he had na hard a cheep. Sae they tuik naething by that, an' gaed back trimlin'.

He wanted to know why in time I hadn't given it to him when it fust come. He was real ugly about it, for him, and kept pacin' up and down the barn floor and layin' into me, till I begun to think he was crazy.

I decides that I'm some grand little sailor myself, and I looks around for a willin' ear that I can whisper the news into. The only person on deck, though, is Captain Rupert Killam, who's pacin' up and down, lookin' mysterious, as usual. "Well, Cap," says I. "Looked like it was goin' to be a little rough for a spell there last night, eh?" "Rough?" says he.

I could kill Jack Payson with no more pity than I would a rattler or Gila monster!" At this exhibition of hatred by his companion, a new thought flashed suddenly through the satanic mind of the half-breed. It involved an entire change of his plans, but the devilish daring of the conception was irresistible. "Say," he broke in, with seeming irrelevance, "don't Payson ride a pacin' mare?"

If I could only wish a pair of eight-ounce gloves on him for a few minutes!" So, without stoppin' to change, or even sheddin' the mitts, I walks into the front office, to discover this elegant party in the stream-line cutaway pacin' restless up and down the room.

So while Gerald is pacin' nervous up and down between the tables we makes figures on the back of the menu. We begins by guessin' what he was gettin' when he was fired, then what salary he might have been pullin' down in five years, at the end of ten, and so on, deductin' some for black times and makin' allowances for hard luck. But inside of five minutes we'd agreed on a lump sum.

"Oh, yes," says he, forcin' a smile. "Her doll. She she still has that, has she?" "Uh-huh!" says I, watchin' him keen. "I'm keepin' close track of both." That little touch did the business. He begins pacin' up and down his cell, wringin' his hands. About the fourth lap he stops. "If I only could take her to Australia," says he, "and get her out of of all this, I would be willing to to "

"Of course he can't," sneered Buck, smiling evilly in his triumph. "He can't account for himself on the night of the weddin'; he rides a pacin' horse rode on that night; he gets three thousan' dollars paid him, and he can't tell who paid it; what's the verdict?" Buck did not wait for an answer. Raising his voice, he shouted: "Guilty."

All us Silts was seafarin' men! "An' I thought so much 'bout this brother that I might ha' had, and what he would ha' done sailin' up an' down the world, learnin' to be a master mariner, an' finally pacin' his own quarter-deck, that he grew like he was real to me, Niece Louise he re'lly did. I give him a name.