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Before she could answer, the approach of a horse attracted the attention of the group. "There's Jack, now!" cried Sage-brush, in tones which plainly showed his relief; "no, it ain't," he added reflectively, "he rode his pacin' mare, and that's a trottin' horse." The cry of the rider was heard quieting his mount. Allen recognized the voice. "It's Slim Hoover," he cried.

Hubbs shakes his head and starts pacin' up and down in front of the window. He hadn't done more'n three laps, though, before in blows a messenger boy and hands him a telegram. "We-e-e-yow!" yells Hubbs. "Hey, Shorty, it's come doggoned if it ain't come! Look at that!" It was a brief bulletin, but full of meat. It runs like this: Good work, Nelson. You've done it. Gopher's on the map.

"Yes," answered Bud, "what of it?" "Oh, nothin'," said McKee; "it jus' struck me as sorter funny. PAYSON and PACIN', don't you see." Bud was mystified. Had his companion gone daft? McKee saw instantly that it would be very easy to fix the charge of murdering the station-agent upon Payson.

Sure they can't see us at all. Just pacin' round on their towers, kind of fidgety." "Anyone else in sight?" "No, suh.... Oh, now there's somethin'. Two of the guards are looking below, cupping their ears. Someone down there must be tellin' them somethin'. Now they're lookin' up to the sky the northern sky. Yes, suh! All three of 'em! They're expectin' someone, sure enough!" "Good.

"But about Doc Peets an' me pullin' out from Lordsburg for Wolfville that evenin': Our ponies is puttin' the landscape behind 'em at a good road-gait when we notes a brace of them Road Runners with wings half lifted, pacin' to match our speed along the trail in front. As Road Runners is frequent with us, our minds don't bother with 'em none.

Slim Hoover he took the boys that night an tried to pick up the trail after it entered the river, but they couldn't find where it come out." "One of them fellers, the man that left the station alone, and probably done the job, rode a pacin' horse," answered Jim, between puffs of his pipe. "Then he's a stranger to these parts. Jack's pinto paces it's his regular gait.

Rheumatiz don't he'p at de log-rollin'. Mole don't see w'at his naber doin'. Save de pacin' mar' fer Sunday. Don't rain eve'y time de pig squeal. Crow en corn can't grow in de same fiel'. Tattlin' 'oman can't make de bread rise. Rails split 'fo' bre'kfus'll season de dinner. Dem w'at knows too much sleeps under de ash-hopper.

And if I'd had the curosity of some wimmen it would drove me into a caniption fit. And more'n a dozen times I see him and Uncle Sime down by the back paster on the creek pacin' to and fro as if they wuz measurin' land.

The horses had had enough of it, too, though neither of them would give in, not if we'd ridden 'em twenty mile farther. As for Warrigal's Bilbah he was near as fresh as when he started, and kept tossin' his head an' amblin' and pacin' away as if he was walkin' for a wager round a ring in a show-yard.

I didn't quite agree with Vincent that he looked important, but he acted it. He's pacin' up and down outside the brass rail kind of impatient, and as I appears he's just consultin' his watch. A nifty tailored young gent with slick putty-colored hair and Maeterlinck blue eyes. Nothing suspicious in the way of packages about him. Not even a pigskin document case or an overcoat with bulgy pockets.