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"She does not deserve your compassion, Dick," replied Nicholas; "she is only a few degrees better than the old hag who has escaped. Sparshot here tells me she is noted for her skill in modelling clay figures." "Yeigh, that hoo be," replied the broad-faced beadle; "hoo's unaccountable cliver ot that sort o' wark.

He 'ad to do Sam Jones by candle-light, with Mrs. Jones 'olding the candle with one hand and crying with the other. Twice the doctor told her to keep it steady, and poor Sam 'ad only just passed the remark, "How 'ot it was for October," when they discovered that the bed was on fire. The doctor said that Sam was no trouble.

Greet also Princess H . May you all think ot me in a friendly spirit. Farewell. Your BRUSSELS, March 29th, 1860. Once more I give you a sign of life. That one lives at all is perhaps the most wonderful case in point, and when one arrives at the end of things, one need not care any longer. Death, which at this moment mows down men so recklessly, leaves us standing in a bare field by a mere whim.

The servant's head and shoulders stood out in dim relief against the darkness. "I've burnt me 'and somethin' 'orrid on this damn' 'ot chimney," he complained nervously. He succeeded in setting fire to the wick. The light showed him barefoot and shivering in shirt and trousers. He lifted a bemused red face to Amber, blinking and nursing his scorched hand. "For pity's syke, sir, w'at's 'appened?"

'Well, yer needn't look as if I was goin' ter eat yer up, 'cause I ain't, he said. ''Oo are you? I'm not afeard of yer. 'Wot are yer so bloomin' red abaht? he asked pointedly. 'Well, I'm 'ot. 'You ain't shirty 'cause I kissed yer last night? 'I'm not shirty; but it was pretty cool, considerin' like as I didn't know yer. 'Well, you run into my arms.

His taller companion went more easily, striding along as Mills thought, glancing at him, "like a fox." The warmth appeared not to distress him in the least. "By Jove," exclaimed the trader. "You're the build of man for this blooming country. You travel as if you was born to it. Don't the heat trouble you at all?" "Oh no," answered the Frenchman carelessly. "You see, I come from a 'ot country.

Albert looks black an' says, 'Now, munuster, ye wull be jokun', but tull humself, oz I've heard hum tell mony a time, he uz wonderun' thot the munuster should a- took tull whusky ot hus time o' life. "'We be no married? says Minnie. He shook his head. 'An' I om no Mussus Mahan? 'No, says he, 'ye are no Mussus Mahan. Ye are plain Muss Duncan. 'But ye married 'us yoursel', says she.

"While they was purtending to dry me and patting me all over they must 'ave taken it out of my pocket." "Wot are you talking about?" ses George, staring at me. "The box 'as gorn," I ses, putting down the 'ot rum and feeling in my trouser-pocket. "The box 'as gorn, and them two must 'ave taken it." "Gorn!" ses George. "Gorn! My box with twenty-five pounds in, wot I trusted you with, gorn?

"I'll post yer letters for you," continued the youth; "I'm going straight back." Miss Bibby reflected a moment. It would certainly save her some time if he did so, and she had nothing now to do until tea yes, it would give her a chance to read Thomas's letter once more, and consider things quietly. "It's a bit 'ot, walking," Larkin said encouragingly. She handed him the letters.

In France it is ver' often 'ot. But you don' like it, eh?" "No," said the trader, with emphasis. "I was after pea-hen, or you wouldn't see me out this time o' the day. English chaps can't stand it." "Eh?" "English chaps can't stand it, I said," repeated Mills. "They mos'ly lie up till it's cooler." "Ah yais." They were now nearing the river.