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On this occasion, as Alice walked up to the house, she was met by Fred, who ran out to meet her in some excitement. "I say, Alice," he cried, "she's come, and she is a rum 'un!" "Who has come?" asked Alice; "not not Kitty Malone?" "No one else, at your service, Kitty Malone, ohone!" cried Fred. "And oh! isn't she Irish! You come along and see her. I never saw anything like her before."

The parson, priest, sub-sheriff too, Were all her slaves, and so would you, If you had only but one view, Of such a face and shape, or Her pretty ankles But, ohone, It's only west of old Athlone Such girls were found and now they're gone So here's to Mary Draper! "So here's to Mary Draper!" sang out every voice, in such efforts to catch the tune as pleased the taste of the motley assembly.

Of lovers she had a full score, Or more; And fortunes they all had galore, In store; From the minister down To the clerk of the crown, All were courting the Widow Malone, Ohone! All were courting the Widow Malone. But so modest was Mrs. Malone, 'T was known No one ever could see her alone, Ohone! Let them ogle and sigh, They could ne'er catch her eye, So bashful the Widow Malone, Ohone!

I have done myself the pleasure of enjoying your ball, kissed the lady, quizzed the papa, and walked into the cunning Fred Power. Yours, FRANK WEBBER. "The Widow Malone, ohone!" is at your service. Had a thunderbolt fallen at his feet, his astonishment could not have equalled the result of this revelation. He stamped, swore, raved, laughed, and almost went deranged.

'Omne quum Proteus pecus egit altos Visere montes, quoted Philip. 'Ovium et summa, genus haesit ulmo, added Guy. 'Ovium, exclaimed Philip, with a face of horror. 'Don't you know that O in Ovis is short? Do anything but take liberties with Horace! 'Get out of the tree first, Guy, said Charles, 'for at present your history seems likely to end with a long ohone!

At first there occurred a slight trembling of the earth, which the widow, attributing to giddiness in her own cranium, recognised with a remonstrative "Ohone!" "Did you feel that?" exclaimed Pauline, pausing in her work and looking up with a slight feeling of alarm. "What, dearie?" demanded the widow, clearing the soap-suds from her red roly-poly arms.

Never did song create such a sensation as Miss Macan's; and certainly her desires as to the chorus were followed to the letter, for "The Widow Malone, ohone!" resounded from one end of the table to the other, amidst one universal shout of laughter.

But "Lucius," says she, "Since you've made now so free, You may marry your Mary Malone, Ohone! You may marry your Mary Malone." There's a moral contained in my song, Not wrong; And one comfort it's not very long, But strong; If for widows you die, Larn to kiss, not to sigh, For they're all like sweet Mistress Malone, Ohone! Oh, they're very like Mistress Malone.

Anderson, yer ain cousin. He hintit at it afore, but his last letter leaves nae room to doobt upo' the subjeck. I'm unco sorry to be the beirer o' sic ill news, Mrs. Faukner, but I had nae chice. 'Ohone! Ohone! the day o' grace is by at last! My puir Anerew! exclaimed Mrs. Falconer, and sat dumb thereafter. Mr. Lammie tried to comfort her with some of the usual comfortless commonplaces.

At the sight of the bluecoat the domestic wilted and began to sob. "Ohone! Ohone! don't take me to prison!" she wailed. "You prefer to answer?" "Yis, if Oi must. But Oi think Miss Margaret the swatest little lady " "Never mind that. When did the girl and her stepmother quarrel last? Come now, tell me the plain truth," and the coroner put as much of sternness as possible in his voice.