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Updated: August 10, 2024

"It looks loike the hivens hed opened an' swalleyed him up," was Mike Delaney's comment. "Be jabbers, we all know th' hivens was wide open enough last noight. Me turn-out is afther standin' in two foot o' wather, an' Rosy raisin' the mischief because she can't go out. 'Moike, sez she, 'Moike Delaney, git a boat or Oi'll be drowned, an' niver a boat in sight.

I got that knife, an' like a flash I slid the blade down a crack somewhere. An' then he tied me solid, an' standin' over me he says slow an' cruel: 'You may stay here till you starve to death. Nobody can get to you but me an' I'm niver comin' back. I hate you. An' his eyes were just loike that noight whin I found him with thim faded pink flowers out on the prairie."

"Oi hear, at noine o'clock last noight he walked in to Justice Thompson's and said as he had coom to give hisself up. He said as how he had been over at Painton, where the old woman as was his nurse lives; and directly as the news coom in t' arternoon as Foxey had been killed and he was wanted for the murder, he coom straight over." "That's roight," Luke said heartily; "that settles it.

But Sergeant-Major Kilpatrick a bit of a liar was the Sergeant-Major says he: 'It was tin ye killed, Kilquhanity. He says that to me the noight that I left the rigimint for ever, and all the b'ys shtandin' round and liftin' lasses an' saying, 'Kilquhanity! Kilquhanity! Kilquhanity! as if it was sugar and honey in their mouths. Aw, the sound of it!

Th' dhrink thot done it. Twas a new kind av cocktail. Ye see, I'd jist got back from Melbourne, an' I was takin' in th' lights that noight, aisy like, whin I come t' Toddy's place. I orders a dhrink av whuskey. "'Whist, Pat, says he, 'ye don't want whuskey; 'twill make ye dhrunk. Why don't ye take somethin' green, like th' Irish? "'Green," says I. ''Tis a foine colour.

"Where's ta going?" someone asked. Sally was looking at him rather curiously, as if she could not understand his movements. "Why," said he, "doant yoa know it's my class noight?" "Well, what by that? they'll niver expect thee t'-noight." "Oh, but I mun goa."

But Andy sat up in bed and clasped his brother's hand in both his while his face showed his delight. And then something happened to Andy. His mother, disgusted at the conduct of the little boys, put her arm around his neck and kissed him. "It's a jewel you are, Andy," she said, "with good understandin' in you. You'll be wakin' up Pat in the noight some day."

Gimme time.... There they are. Go ahead." "Hello, hello!" "Pwhat is ut?" Her heart sank: O'Hagan's voice meant that Maitland was out. "O'Hagan is that you?... Tell Mr. Maitland " "He's gawn out for the noight an' " "Tell him, please " "But he's out. Ring up in the marnin'." "But can't you take this message for him? Please...."

I thought any man 'ud know," says I, "when the sun sinks to rest in the west when the sun " says I. "You said that before," says he. "Well, I want to press it stronger upon you," says I. "When the sun sinks to rest in the east no west, why he why he waits till it grows dark, and then he goes back in the noight toime!" From "A Charity Dinner"

Oh, father, I am unhappy; my sins are troubling me noight and day; I don't know what will become of me: I feel like lost." "My poor lad, the Lord have mercy on thee," replied the old man, as Abe put on his cap and walked hurriedly out of the house.

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