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That's why I'm here this morning. Is he about?" Just perceptibly the girl smiled; but she made no answer. "Don't you wish to be friends, Bess?" persisted the man. "Aren't we to be even neighbourly?" "Neighbourly, certainly. I have no desire to be otherwise." "Why don't you answer me, then?" The red shading was becoming positive now, telltale. "Tell me why, please." "Answer?"

"This is not the first time, by a great many," he said, "that I have had to thank my parishioners for giving me tokens of their goodwill, but neighbourly kindness is among those things that are the more precious the older they get.

Man, woman, or child, you'd have every soul in the Islands to live neighbourly and go their ways in peace. No doubt 'tis good Gospel teaching, too, and well enough it worked till this rumping little tyrant came along and pushed you aside. Goodness comes easy to you, sir, I reckon; but it bears hard upon us poor folk that want someone to stand up for us against injustice."

"Matter enough," responded the young giant, with a grin of mingled awe and delight; "the Jibbenainosay is up again!" "Whar?" cried the senior, eagerly, "not in our limits?" "No, by Jehoshaphat," replied Tom; "but nigh enough to be neighbourly, on the north bank of Kentuck, whar he has left his mark right in the middle of the road, as fresh as though it war but the work of the morning!"

An outrage of this nature I imagine could only happen in Lampong, where their vicinity to Java affords the culprits easier and surer means of escape, than in the central parts of the island; and here too their companies appear to be more mixed, collected from greater distances, and not composed, as with the Rejang people, of a neighbourly assemblage of the old men and women of a few contiguous villages with their sons and daughters, for the sake of convivial mirth, of celebrating a particular domestic event, and promoting attachments and courtship amongst the young people.

It would perhaps show a neighbourly interest if you were to come up to-morrow, and take our news. Come at four o'clock; and if we're alive... you shall have another pinch of snuff," she promised, laughing. "I adore you," said Peter, under his breath. "I'll come with great pleasure," he said aloud.

I assure you that it was delicately done; my father's ghost may rest in peace. I beg your pardon, mother; I did not mean to pain you. I am afraid I do speak queerly at times. Well, well; it was a kind, confiding, neighbourly action, though I refused it decidedly, from the man whose alliance is forbidden to us.

He continued after a moment's silence, as if he did not wish to interrupt their mute observation "Will you oblige me by a neighbourly kindness?" "What is it, Derues?" asked Madame Legrand. A violent cough, which appeared to rend his chest, prevented him from answering immediately. When it ceased, he looked at the abbe, and said, with a melancholy smile

You've always been as stuck up and abusive to me as you well could be. So 't is only natural I should n't stand up for you." The lord of Greenwood swallowed before he said, "Perhaps I've not been neighbourly, but what sort of revenge is it to force me from my home, and distress my wife and daughter?" "That's it," assented the Committeeman. "And so I came over to see what could be done.

To be sure he might for Troy is always neighbourly have knocked in at some cottage on his way through the tail-end of the town and deposited the box, promising to return for it. But he was flurried, pressed for time, disgracefully behind time, in fact; and, moreover, thanks to his attire and changed appearance, no friendly face had smiled recognition though he had recognised some half a dozen.