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He thought that the probable location of the upheaval had been at Munn's Reef, about halfway between those points, and the more he discussed his theory the readier he became to stake his reputation on its correctness, for, he said, it was impossible that any combination of the effects of high and low pressures could have created such a surge of the ocean, while a volcanic wave, combining with the regular oscillation of the tide, could have done it easily.

Only to this old comrade did Harriet Munn's reticent tongue speak out the deep thoughts of her heart. She laid her hand on Mrs. Sawyer's shoulder. "It's jist the Lord's hand that's led you, Hannah," she said quietly, "that's what it is, and you don't need to be afraid o' nothin'." Hannah Sawyer's homely face grew radiant. "That's jist what the minister said last night!" she exclaimed.

Mart looked at his wife. "I dunno." Munn's glance came to the wife. "Yes." "How long ago did he come in?" "About an hour ago." Her voice was flat and lifeless. "And where had he been?" Munn's tone was gentle but insistent. Her terrified glance sought Mart's face. "He'd been on the beach!" she said in a defiant tone. Mart continued to look at her, but there was no expression in his face.

Jake told me he sold more of them than anything. I suppose people suddenly break the old ones, and home isn't home without a lady holding on to a cross." We went to Munn's shop, and we bought needles and pins, and tapes and bodkins, a pound of butter, a pot of honey and one of marmalade, and tin-tacks, string, and glue.

While he was weighing out the peppermints his heart got soft, and just as he was twisting up the corner of the paper bag, Dora said, 'What lovely fat peppermints! Do tell us. And B. Munn's heart was now quite melted, he said 'It's Miss Ashleigh, and she lives at The Cedars about a mile down the Maidstone Road. We thanked him, and Alice paid for the peppermints. Then Dora said

S'posing she was a stepmother, like lame Jennie Munn's, wouldn't we have a time living with her, though? And I am truly sorry about the hens. Hope says we can't get many eggs now, 'cause half of the flock is gone, and if we keep all our customers we will have to do without eggs here at home.

There were bunches of dried sage and mint and lavender hanging along the low rafters above it, and just to move the wedding dress gave one a whiff as sweet as a breath from all the spices of Araby. Often, when Dr. Allen drove away, Miss Arabella would run over to Mrs. Munn's, and up the back stairs, for a look at the gown, just to convince herself that it had not been merely a beautiful dream.

"It's likely, ain't it, that I'd change into shoes as wet as these?" "Those tracks are Mart's!" Olga reiterated hysterically. "They lead into your son's room, Mrs. Brenner. And we find your axe not far from your door, just where the path starts for the hill." Munn's eyes were grave. The old woman in the corner began to whimper, "Blood and trouble! Blood and trouble all my days! Red on his hands!

First she conducted him to Jimmy Munn's feed and wagon-yard, where he contracted to spend the first half-dollar of the expedition by engaging Jimmy to haul his purchases up to the house. "Put the sideboards on your biggest wagon, Jimmy," was Viola's order, "and meet us at Hinkle's." She proved to be a very sweet and delightful autocrat.

You dinna credit it? Weel, it's staggering, but there's Hendry Munn's evidence too. Hendry took his first chance o' looking up Ezra in the minister's Bible, and, behold, the page wi' the eighth chapter was gone. Them that thinks Tammas wasna blind wi' excitement hauds it had been Ezra eighth that gaed into the fire.