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She looked anxiously, mother-like, at Colin, and persuaded him to lie down and rest awhile in her little parlour, and, while he rested, she and I talked and she told me how she had come by her blind eye an odd, harmless-sounding cause. She had been looking up into one of her apple-trees, one day, a few weeks ago, and an apple had fallen and struck her in the eye.

"One, two, tree, bery good; hit Injin some; shoot at Long Hair good; much hard get way; to the most, much poor shoot here, shoot dere, shoot everywhere!" "But what makes you think the children are in the cabin?" asked Mrs. Jones; for, mother-like, her thoughts were constantly recurring to them.

Moss had not been very much troubled after all; for Cy had told her that Bab went after Ben, and Billy had lately reported her safe arrival among them, so, mother-like, she fed, dried, and warmed the runaways, before she scolded them.

Perhaps the queen has mother-like fears for the safety of this only son of hers, and lets them get on her mind overmuch." "That would be hardly like our queen," she answered, laughing; "she is above that foolishness. No, but there is somewhat more." "Then," said I, thinking that this was fancy, "it will be some trouble of state which is at the bottom of her anxiety. That none of us can mend."

Why, I am reliably informed that his property is unencumbered, and worth at least two millions three hundred thousand dollars! I think even dear mamma, who mother-like overrates my charms, never in her rosiest visions dreamed I could command such a high price. The slave trade is looking up once more; threatens to grow brisk, in spite of Congressional prohibition."

"He isn't altogether a bad lot, but lacks horse sense, and gave his parents a good deal of anxiety in his varsity days abroad. He was in several scrapes along with a boon companion who seems to have been so much like him, physically and morally, that, mother-like, Mrs. Foster is sure that very much of which her Walter was accused was really done by Wally's chum.

If I may be allowed to make one more quotation on this subject, I will cite from the speech of the German Emperor at Coblenz, in which he spoke of "Kingship, by the grace of God, with its heavy duties, its tremendous responsibility to the Creator alone, from which no man, no minister, no parliament, can release the monarch." We knew Benevolence was a tender virtue and mother-like.

"Saint Clotilde's day-my fete-day is still far off," said Madame de Nailles, refastening, mother-like, the ribbon that was intended to keep in order the rough ripples of Jacqueline's unruly hair, "and usually your whisperings begin as the day approaches my fete." "Oh, dear! you will go and guess it!" cried Jacqueline in alarm. "Oh! don't guess it, please." "Well!

And truly, as the three boys scampered down the road their few regrets soon over, eager for anything new three finer lads could not be seen in the whole country. Mrs. Halifax looked after them proudly mother-like, she gloried in her sons; while John, walking slowly, and assuring Mrs.

By the light of this sun, I was, in my own opinion, last to behold and take leave of some of those creatures on whom I doated with a mother-like fondness, guided by nature and passion, and uncured and unhardened by all the doctrine of that philosophical school where I had learnt to bear pains and to despise death.