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Besides, thou didst promise to do me this service for the ten gold pieces I gave thee, and the many more I will yet give thee." "Oui! oui! my lady; but de infant is so fort, so trong, dat it will be difficult for me to trottle her. Death, la mort, does not come ever when required; but I vill do my endeavour to trangle de leetle jade, vit as much activity as I can.

The lab man, Mort Tranter, was willing. Seeing the sights was what he'd come down from the ship for. She finished her coffee and cigarette, and they went out into the hall together, gathered equipment and rode the elevator to the fifth floor. The lecture hall door was the nearest; they attacked it first.

A captain of the French General Staff, and who was an eyewitness, has described in a French publication some striking phases of the fight: "It is Sunday, and the sun shines brilliantly above a real spring Sunday. The artillery duel was long and formidable. Mort Homme was smoking like a volcano with innumerable craters. The attack took place about noon.

"La Vendee," "Les Vierges de Verdun," "Quiberon," "Louis XVII," "Le Retablissement de la Statue de Henri IV.," "La Mort du due de Berry," "La Naissance du duc de Bordeaux," "Les Funerailles de Louis XVIII.," "Le Sacre de Charles X.," are true royalist songs.

"You know, sir," said the Gipsy, "that we have two languages. For besides the Rummany, there's the reg'lar cant, which all tinkers talk." "Kennick you mean?" "Yes, sir; that's the Rummany for it. A 'dolly mort' is Kennick, but it's juva or rakli in Rummanis. It's a girl, or a rom's chi." "You say rom sometimes, and then rum." "There's rums and roms, sir.

'Civilization has its perils, I said dully, 'immature civilization. The period between no-drains and the up-to-date drainage system wants some living through. 'That's all right, Marvell declared. 'I'll watch it. I didn't go through Bloemfontein in the War for nothing. 'Le roi est mort: vive le roi! 'Alack! If Malaria slackened hold, enteric tightened its clutch.

He said it was a pity he did not know me when he was writing it, for I could have told him her story more sympathetically than the women in the Rat Mort, supplying him with many pretty details that they had never noticed or had forgotten. It would have been easy for me to have done this, for Marie Pellegrin is enshrined in my memory like a miniature in a case.

Now go ahead." Kendricks lit his pipe and smoked solemnly. "Your remarks," he declared, "are actuated by jealousy. You haven't the stomach for a man's smoke. Now listen. There's the very devil of a mischief abroad and Falkenberg's at the bottom of it. Do you know what he's doing?" "I know nothing." "You remember the night that we were up at the Rat Mort?

Oh! I know well how the prince and others would like me, instead of indulging in all these wicked words of my own, to sing, to the glory and triumph of morality, that well-known verse of Gilbert's: "'O, puissent voir longtemps votre beaute sacree Tant d'amis, sourds a mes adieux! Qu'ils meurent pleins de jours, que leur mort soit pleuree, Qu'un ami leur ferme les yeux!

"It seems tough when you boil it down to that; I guess maybe Allen's right we all ought to divide up. I'm willing, only" and he grinned quizzically "I'm paired with Mort Bassett." The light in his cigar had gone out; he swung round and faced the map of Indiana above Morton Bassett's desk, fumbling in his waistcoat for a match.