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I am a man of few words, very few words as you must have seen already but of the strictest straightforwardness in deeds. And now again, what do you say, ma'am?" "Your Warship hath left ma nowt to saa. Your Warship hath had the mooth aw to yosell." "Now Mistress, Mistress Precious, truly that is a little too bad of you.

My remark seemed to pass unnoticed, for Geordie had more to say. "Hark ye, an' I'll tell ye hoo God cam' to me. 'Twas near the dawn this verra mornin' I had a dream, an' wee Jessie cam' to me. An' that was God, nae ither ane but God. 'Oot o' the mooth o' babes, is that no' i' the Buik?

Three little darkies and a big flop-eared hound were crouched on the bottom step, looking up at the Little Colonel, who sat just above them. She was industriously stirring something in an old rusty pan with a big, battered spoon. "Now, May Lilly," she ordered, speaking to the largest and blackest of the group, "you run an' find some nice 'mooth pebbles to put in for raisins.

"'What mak ye here in sic a storm, man? he said. An' the soon' o' his v'ice was aye safter nor the words o' his mooth. "'I come for a lamb, answered he. "'What kin' o' a lamb? askit the stranger. "'The verra best I can lay my han's upo' i' the cot, answered he, 'for it's to lay afore my freens and neebours. I houp, sir, ye'll come hame wi' me an' share o' 't. Ye s' be welcome.

Ye ken verra weel ye'll get nae parritch the nicht. I'll rin and fetch ye a 'piece' to stap awee the soun'." "Blethers an' havers!" cried Fanny, but she blinkit bonnily the while, an' when the tea was weel maskit, she smoored her wrath an' stappit her mooth wi' a bit o' oaten cake.

"Ye are doing what nae mon i' the toon daur; ye are a bauld, unwise lassy." "It's you mak me bauld," was the instant reply. Oh, Sandy Liston, hoow could ye think to put an enemy in your mooth to steal awa your brains!" "This 's no Newhaven chat; wha lairns ye sic words o' power?" "A deed mon!" "I would na wonder, y' are no canny; she's ta'en a' the poower oot o' my body, I think."

Nae Auld Reekies for him, an' thank ye kindly. When he wants to gang to the gaol he'll steal a horse an' gang daicent! He'll no gang wi' his thoom in his mooth, an' when they say till him, 'What are ye here for? be obleeged to answer, 'Fegs, an' I dinna ken what for! Na, na, it wadna be mensefu' like ava'. A' the Gordons that ever was hae gaen to the gaol but only yince.

I dinna ken what ye mean. 'Oh, I was doon in the mooth, because I wasna weel, said Liz lightly. 'Seriously, though, hoo lang are ye gaun to bide doon here, Teen? 'I wad bide aye if I had the chance, but I suppose we canna bide very much langer. Maybe we'd better see what Miss Gladys says. 'Ay, I suppose sae, said Liz a trifle dryly.

I used to think that oor lot couldna be harder, when the bairns were a' wee, an' we were struggling frae haun' to mooth, to see them fed an' cled. But wi' a' the hardships, thae days were happy.

It was the wife had the grandest dream o' all. "Could we no send him to the university?" she said. "I'd gie ma een teeth, Harry, to see him at Cambridge!" I laughed at her, but it was with a twist in the corners o' ma mooth. There was money coming in regular by then, and there was siller piling up in the bank.