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Updated: August 25, 2024

He'll no be mean or savin': He'll no be prudent, either. He lives frae hand tae mooth. When mankind became a bit more prudent, when man wanted to know, any day, where the next day's living was to come frae, then civilization began, and wi' it what many miscall meanness. Man wad be laying aside some o' the food frae a day o' plenty against the time o' famine.

"'Will he never come? she cries, an' a' heard the soond o' the horse's feet on the road a mile awa' in the frosty air. "'The Lord be praised! said Burnbrae, and a' slipped doon the ladder as the doctor came skelpin' intae the close, the foam fleein' frae his horse's mooth.

One thing I'm sure o' is 'at the mistress would hae gaen daft, she took it a' sae terrible to heart. "I lauch at it noo, but I tell ye I used to tak my heart to my bed in my mooth. If ye hinna heard the story I dinna think ye 'll be able to guess what the ghost cradle was." I said I had been trying to think what the tray had to do with it.

The washin's no' extra guid for them, but a body maun dae something for meat. I've anither mooth to fill noo. My guid-brither, Bob Johnson, is deid since I saw ye, an' I've been obleeged to tak' Tammy no' an ill loon. He's at the schule, or ye wad hae seen him. 'I don't suppose you would be sorry to leave this place and give up the washing if you could get something easier? said Gladys.

Dang the chap, muttered John, looking into the empty dish as the waiter retired; 'does he ca' this a pie three yoong pigeons and a troifling matther o' steak, and a crust so loight that you doant know when it's in your mooth and when it's gane? I wonder hoo many pies goes to a breakfast!

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