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Columbus when he first stepped upon the shore of his newly discovered land was not a whit happier than Roderick Drew when that joyous youth, running out upon the snow-covered ice, attempted to turn a somersault with his snow-shoes on! Just over there, thought Rod just over there a hundred miles or so, is Minnetaki and the Post!

Meanwhile two children came to bless the happy union of Newsome and his lovely Indian wife. One of these, the eldest, was a boy, and in honor of the old chief he was named Wabigoon, and called Wabi for short. The other was a girl, three years younger, and Newsome insisted that she be called Minnetaki.

"And bring Minnetaki with us!" added Wabi, jumping into the air and kicking his heels together. "How will you like that, Rod?" He nudged his comrade in the ribs, and in another moment both were puffing and laughing in one of their good-natured wrestling bouts, in which the cat-like agility of the young Indian always won for him in the end.

"Minnetaki, you're a brick you certainly are a brick!" As soon as Wabi was made acquainted with the cause of Roderick's excitement he also joined in the other's wild rejoicing, and their antics startled half the house of Kenegami. Mukoki shared their joy, and Wabi hugged and kissed his sister until her pretty face was like a wild rose. "Hurrah!" shouted Wabi for the twentieth time.

"That means we start on our hunt for the lost gold-mine within a fortnight!" "It means " began Roderick. "It means " interrupted Minnetaki, "it means that you're all happy but me and I'm glad for Rod's sake, and I want to know his mother. But you're all going and I'm to be left behind!" There was no laughter in her voice, and Rod and Wabigoon became suddenly quiet as she turned away.

And then he seemed to be sinking into a deep and painless sleep. When he regained consciousness his eyes were first turned to the door, which was still open, and through which he caught the white gleam of the snow. A hand was pressed gently upon his face. "Rod " Minnetaki spoke in a whisper, a whisper that trembled with gladness, with relief. Rod smiled.

"I'll take another," he said faintly. "It's mighty good!" He drank the second cup with even greater relish. Then he sat bolt upright, stretched out his arms, and with his companion's assistance staggered to his feet. His bloodshot eyes burned with a strange excitement as he looked at Rod. "I was afraid I wouldn't catch you!" "What is it, Wabi? What has happened? You say Minnetaki "

"You right me wrong," the white boy heard Mukoki saying. "You save Minnetaki kill Woonga. Very much dam' dam' dam' brave man!" Mukoki was pressed back by Wabi's sister before he could say more, and a cool drink of spring water was placed to Roderick's lips. He felt feverish and the water gave him new strength. He turned his face to Minnetaki, and she smiled at him.

Drew and the princess mother, and even Minnetaki forced herself to smile, and laugh, though her eyes were red, and all knew that she had been crying.

A short distance from the cleft in the wall of rock the outlaw had rested again; and this time, when he continued his flight, Minnetaki had walked beside him. A peculiarity in the new trail struck Rod, and for some moments he was at a loss to account for it.