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Updated: August 6, 2024

"We're saafe till Naddy cooms back for t' milkin'. We've three hours." She shook her head. "Only an hour and a half, Jim. I must be back for tea." "Yo'll 'ave tae here. Yo've had it before. I'll maake it for yo." "I daren't, Jim. They'll expect me. They'll wonder." "Ay, 'tis thot waay always. Yo're no sooner coom than yo've got to be back for this, thot and toother. I'm fair sick of it."

And Josiah would look cross and dissatisfied, and mutter somethin' about the milkin'. There was where the shoe pinched. Wall, right when he was a mutterin' one day, Cicely got back from Washington. And he stopped lookin' cross, and looked placid, and sunshiny. That man thinks his eyes of Cicely, both of 'em; and so do I. But I see that she looked fagged out.

"Spot gins 'bout a gallon a milkin' now." Spot's calf, which subsisted on what was left over, seemed to find it cruel that delay should be added to his hardships, and he lifted up his voice in a plaintive remonstrance. This reminded Mrs. Todd of his existence; she turned and let down the bars that served to exclude him. The stranger was staring at her very hard.

When she see she'd got to stay there, she begun to cook for herself; but one day, one o' the neighbors heard her pleadin' with Josh, out in the cow-yard, while he was milkin'. "'O Joshuay, she kep' a-sayin' over 'n' over, 'you needn't take me back, if you'll on'y let me do your work! You needn't speak to me, an' I'll live in the other part; but I shall be crazy if you don't let me do your work.

"With that she got done milkin' an' stood up an' picked up her two pails we could smell the sweet, warm milk from where we was. "'Timothy, s'she, 'the worst sacrilege that's done in this world is when folks turns their backs on any little bit of a chance that the Lord gives 'em to do good in, like He told 'em.

She'll come here when I'm milkin', an' ask me things about the critters an' craps that I knowed when I was a baby. I reckon she's the kind of a lady that knows all about what's in her line, an' don't know nothin' 'bout what's not in her line. That's the kind of young lady I like. No spyin' around to see what's been did, an' what's hain't been did. I've lived with them Bannisters."

"How could they've found her out so soon?" He walked quietly up to the milker, and remarked: "Purty early in the mornin' to do your milkin'. Didn't used to git up so early when you was at home, did you?" "Sh sh sh!" whispered the other. "Don't speak so loud. You'll wake up that old galoot inside. Keep quiet till I fill my cup, and then I'll let you have a chance. There'll be plenty for you."

I don't know what y' call doin' my part, Ethan Ripley; but if cookin' for a drove of harvest hands and thrashin' hands, takin' care o' the eggs and butter, 'n' diggin' taters an' milkin' ain't my part, I don't never expect to do my part, 'n' you might as well know it fust 's last.

She acted mighty queer at milkin', and I reckon she'd better have a little bran mash Sairy Jane," turning suddenly upon her eldest daughter, "if you eat another one of them peanuts I'll box your jaws " Nicholas finished the peanuts and went upstairs to his little attic room.

"An' there, right by that stone just outside the entry o' the church, set Mis' Timothy Toplady, milkin' her Jersey cow. "We could just see her, dim, by the light o' the transom. She was on the secunt pail, an' that was two-thirds full. She hed her back toward us, an' she didn't hear us.

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