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"But if a man come to you, Sir, and said he was going to report you, Sir, for 'aving a bit of a turn-up with a friend, Sir, an' wanted to get money out o' you, Sir" The Orderly-room exploded in a roar of laughter. "Well?" said the Colonel. "That was what that measly jarnwar there did, Sir, and 'e'd 'a' done it, Sir, if we 'adn't prevented 'im. We didn't 'it 'im much, Sir.

He was afraid that if he called on her in New York she might not remember him. He had heard of the real and the alleged salaries of moving-picture stars, and he assumed that Kedzie must be as well paid as she was well advertised. He did not know of the measly little hundred dollars a week she was bound down to by her contract.

"The night succeeding the affair, whilst the Dean and O'Farroll were still in jail awaiting the inquest, a party of undergraduates were discussing the situation in Maguire's rooms, when the door burst open, and into their midst, almost breathless with excitement, came a measly, bespectacled youth named Brady Patrick Brady.

And then you talk about my having enjoyed myself!" "Well, if you worked so hard, maybe your dad gave you enough money for it to buy a respectable piece of chocolate with instead of that measly little sample you brought around last night," said Herb. "You're right he did, and here it is," said Jimmy.

"Now, show me your blessed old tiger cat!" cried Steve, handling a double-barreled shotgun valiantly. "Yes, who cares for a measly wildcat; let him step up and get what's coming to him!" declared Bandy-legs, who was waving the camp hatchet ferociously. "I'm b-b-badgered if I c-c-care what it is right now. This rifle belonging to Max h-h-holds six bullets, fellows," spluttered Toby.

But one quart one measly little quart! Here I am, a thirty times over millionaire, slaving harder every day than any dozen men that work for me, and all I get is two meals that don't taste good, one bed, a quart of Martini, and a hundred and forty hair bridles to look at on the wall." He stared around at the array disconsolately. "Mr. Shoe, I'm sizzled. Good night."

Rose-Marie's face was a study of mixed emotions consternation struggling with incredulity for first place. The man saw the unbelief; for he hurried on before she could speak. "Yer think that I'm like my pa was" he told her "livin' on measly wages! Well, I ain't. Some nights I make a pile that runs inter thousands an' it'll be all fer yer! All fer yer!" Of a sudden, Rose-Marie spoke.

"If you think yo're going to skin me outen three-fifty, one-fifty, or one measly cent, you need some medicine, an' I'll give it to you in pill form! You'd make a bum-looking angel, so get up an' hand over that cayuse, an' do it damned quick!" "Three-fifty, an' two bits extry for feed. It'll cost you 'bout a dollar a day for feed.

'scaring Mum! I can tell you young jackanapes one thing: If I thought there was anything to be gained by it, or if it would save trouble instead of MAKING trouble, 'MUM' could go down there right now, old as she is, and SCARED as she is, and clean out the whole, measly outfit!" She stared sternly at the row of faces bent over their plates.

But good men told me your measly old drive would hang if it stayed there two days longer; and I believed them, and I believe them yet. I don't claim to know anything about river-driving, but here your confounded drive is well on its way. I kicked that drunk off the river because he was no good. I took hold here to help you out of a hole, and you're out."