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Rather as one would touch a moth, Val took her hand. And wouldn't she wear this 'measly flower'? It would look ripping in her hair. He removed a gardenia from his coat. "Oh! No, thank you I couldn't!" But she took it and pinned it at her neck, having suddenly remembered that word 'showy'! Val's buttonhole would give offence; and she so much wanted Jolly to like him.

His trick of jumping his voice on that word "trade" was very offensive to the ears. "Pennsylvania has the right idea. Pennsylvania is prosperous. Pennsylvania doesn't go round chopping down bee-trees and then killing the bees to get the honey. What good is this land over here if you can't get fur from it? Settlers chop down the timber, burn it, raise measly patches of corn, live half-starved, die.

"She's a measly, good-for-nothing old tub." "All I've got to say is that you're a bad judge of tubs," said I. "You're a fool!" he exclaimed, and jumped up. "Now, you know, Paul, if your opinion was of any consequence at all I should be angry," I replied, still with exaggerated calmness. "I'm going to take the skiff and row ashore," said he. "You can bring your old tub in when you like."

He knew that if he had control of his high inshoot, these Bellville players would feel the whiz of some speed under their chins. He struck Moore out, retired Reed on a measly fly, and made Clark hit a weak grounder to second; and he walked in to the bench assured of the outcome.

She looked hastily at the bread in the oven. Then, glancing on the table, she saw her money lying. Paul had been working all the time. But now he felt his mother counting the week's money, and her wrath rising, "T-t-t-t-t!" went her tongue. He frowned. He could not work when she was cross. She counted again. "A measly twenty-five shillings!" she exclaimed. "How much was the cheque?"

And as for you, Wash Gibbs, if you ever set foot on my place again, if you ever cross my path after to-night I'll kill you like the measly yeller hound you are." As he finished, Jim stood with his back to the corner of the room, his hand inside of the hickory shirt where the button was missing. While her father was speaking, Sammy forgot everything, in the wild joy and pride of her heart.

Menteith swears that he did not receive more than four pounds for the plans and description of the Rampagious. Fancy selling one's country and risking one's neck for four measly pounds sterling! If he had got four thousand, I should have had some respect for him.

Molly first cried and then had hysterics and screamed vigorously; Bill swore vengeance on the Millville Tribune and all connected with it, while the guests gravely asserted it was "a low-down, measly trick" which the Sizers ought to resent.

McCarthy, quite simply, at that time owned New York. As Darrow entered, McCarthy hung up the telephone receiver with a smash, and sat glaring at the instrument. After a moment he turned his small bright eyes toward the newcomer. "Hello, Perc," he growled. "Didn't see you. Say, I'm so mad my skin cracks. Just now some measly little shrimp called me up from a public booth.

"Come here to me," was Shorty's greeting. "Come across. Fork over. Cough up." "I don't understand," Wentworth quavered, shivering from recollection of the two beatings, hand and foot, he had already received from Shorty. "That thousand dollars, d' ye understand that? That thousand dollars gold Smoke bought that measly potato with. Come through." And Amos Wentworth passed the gold-sack over.