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Barbara why wasn't I born for the likes of you, and not just a measly, ornery mucker like I am.

Did you ever see a Chink go swimmin' out through the breakers at Carmel? or boxin', wrestlin', runnin' an' jumpin' for the sport of it? Did you ever see a Chink take a shotgun on his arm, tramp six miles, an' come back happy with one measly rabbit? What does a Chink do? Work his damned head off. That's all he's good for.

I yanked away from all the hitchin' straps of decency when I first struck it, jest like all the rest of 'em. Oh, I was an Indian in my time a reg'ler measly hop-pickin' Siwash at that. "You don't know, of course, what livin' out in the open on bacon and beans does fur a healthy man's cravin's.

"That sounds like scarin' up voters at a measly political rally." "Can you do it any better?" said the smith, and he offered his hammer. "Here comes Doc Dennihan," interrupted the barkeep. "Ask Doc how it's done. If he don't know, we'll have to wait for old If-only Jim hisself."

This Kenneth was a measly little offspring and his mother's people undertook to give him a chance to live. He picked up and he and his father became pals Hannah rooted out a picture of them riding horseback. Then the father was thrown from his horse and killed right before the eyes of the boy, and that put him back years he barely escaped. I don't believe he would have, from accounts, if Mrs.

"This is a likely-looking Plant," said Brad, as he sized up the Campus. "I like to encourage these Joints because they help to keep a lot of Young Fellows away from Business Offices. I find that I have here in my Vest-Pocket a measly $50,000 that I have overlooked in changing my Clothes. Give it to the Main Cheese and tell him to have a Laboratory on me."

They eat up the rail fences, the wagon beds, the bahns and the sheep and the cows. They don't stop at women and children, I heah, if they get a good chance at them. And grit! They've got plenty of that, I tell you, and to spah, those little bad measly Mexican hawgs.

Like an Arabian Nights' transformation, our sleepy, purring, but still able to scratch, "pussy cat" flashes out as a ravenous man-eating tiger, killing and maiming right and left. Measles harmless, tickly, snuffly, "measly" little measles kills from thirty to sixty per cent of whole villages and tribes of Indians and cripples half the remainder!

The only Prince I ever knew was a damned rascal, and I'm going to be careful about this one. You remember that measly " "There is no question about Prince Robin," said she sharply. "I suppose the only question is, how much will he want?" "You mean settlement?" "Sure." "Have you no romance in your soul, William Blithers?" "I never believed in fairy stories," said he grimly.

You're puttin' on too many scollops, I tell you. You knowed all 'bout mud in the Wabash bottoms. You had 'nuff of it there, the Lord knows." "Yes, we had," replied Shorty; "but we was too well raised to track it into anybody's parlor." "Parlor," echoed Sol, with a horse-laugh. "Lord, how fine we are, just becaze one o' us happens to be a measly little Corporal.