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Updated: August 10, 2024

We filed off due west, Murphy and Mount striding in the lead, the noise of the river below us on our left. A few rods and we swung south, then west into a wretched stump-road, which Sir George said was the Mayfield road and part of the Sacandaga trail. The roar of the Kennyetto accompanied us, then for a while was lost in the swaying murmur of the pines.

Mayfield said to Lou, "you need not be afraid to trust him. He won't live a lie." Tom took the girl by the hand. "Come with me now, please. Let us go where the spirit boy used to play with you." "Yes. And now I know that all the time it was you you lived under the rock. Come on. We will go up among the hills an' make like we are lost."

It would take a great deal to make me disbelieve it." "But surely a confession " "Ah, well, let me hear the confession, and then I shall be better able to judge." Even as he spoke Hilda had entered the room. "There will be no difficulty about that, Mr. Mayfield. You shall hear it, and I trust that it will make you repent for taking so black a view of the case of your own client."

"You see," he observed, "the rate between Mayfield and Oakland, for instance, has been reduced by twenty-five cents a ton." "Yes but but " said old Broderson, "it is rather unusual, isn't it, for wheat in that district to be sent to Oakland?"

About that time nature turns down the lamp for her and she begins to see shadows. If she does laugh much atter this it is at an enemy. She won't laugh with you she laughs at you. You've got to look funny to her you've got to have on suthin' that looks odd." "Oh, I don't think so, Mr. Starbuck," Mrs. Mayfield replied. "It has often been denied, but a woman has the true sense of humor, but "

This practical business act of the diminutive beauty before him albeit he was just ten dollars out of pocket by it struck the official into helpless admiration. He hesitated. "That's all," said Miss Mayfield coolly; "you need not wait. The letter was only an excuse to get Mr. Briggs out of the way." "I understand ye, miss." He hesitated still. "Do you reckon to stop in these parts long?"

Rising he took his hat, and saying that his witching little cousin had beguiled him into breaking one engagement already, advanced to take leave of her. "Jacquelina." he said, lowering his voice, and slipping the note for Marian into her hand, "may I ask you to deliver this to Miss Mayfield, when no one is by?" A look of surprise and perplexity, followed by a nod of intelligence, was her answer.

Seeing that she was disturbed, he inquired if anything were wrong. "Why, that man Peters was here a moment ago, and " "Oh, don't pay no attention to him. He's a joker," said the old man, and going to a bench near the fence, poured water into a tin can, went to the grind-stone, and upon it began slowly to pour a stream. Mrs. Mayfield stood near, watching him, but her mind reverted to Peters.

In his time, also, a layman was for the first time appointed to the office of Chancellor, and Edward III. wrote a letter to the pope protesting against the frequent papal nominations to vacant English sees, which was followed up by the Statute of Provisors in 1350. Stratford died at Mayfield in Sussex, and was buried in his own cathedral, where his monument still remains.

I do not know that I can advise you how; but you will find a way, as were I a man, I should!" "Being a woman, you have done wonders!" "For a woman," said Marian, with a glance full of archness and merriment. "No, no; for any one, man or woman! But your method, Marian? I beg your pardon, Miss Mayfield," he added, with a blush of ingenuous embarrassment.

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