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Updated: August 16, 2024

Indeed, Monsieur D'A , your literature is at a very reduced ebb; bombastic in the drama shallow in philosophy mawkish in poetry, your writers of the present day seem to think, with Boileau "'Souvent de tous nos maux la raison est le pire." "Surely," cried Madame D'Anville, "you will allow De la Martine's poetry to be beautiful?"

"No, but he says it's the public's, and you've got to take some account of the public. Aux grands maux les grands remèdes. They had a tremendous lot of ground to make up, and no one would make it up like Minnie. She would be the best concession they could make to human weakness; she would strike at least this note of showing that it was not going to be quite all well, all you.

Indeed, Monsieur D'A , your literature is at a very reduced ebb; bombastic in the drama shallow in philosophy mawkish in poetry, your writers of the present day seem to think, with Boileau "'Souvent de tous nos maux la raison est le pire." "Surely," cried Madame D'Anville, "you will allow De la Martine's poetry to be beautiful?"

Religion," added she, "though a good thing, is badly put in practice in our church; the people do not like to confess to the priests, and there is a great desire for instruction and to receive books." They saw again at the Inn at Maux the man who had opposed them at Lessengnan, and found him much better disposed than he had been the day before.

N'avez-vous point pitie de moi dans le tourment que je souffre? helas! helas! mon amour, ma beaute, ma vie! au lieu de me guerir, vous vous plaisez a mes maux. Venez donc que je vous embrasse, et que je meure entre vos bras sacrez!" The above passages, from various pages of her journal, will suffice though they give but an inadequate idea of these strange extravagances.

'Nous avons tous assez de force pour supporter les maux d'autrui. 'Quelque bien qu'on nous dise de nous, on ne nous apprend rien de nouveau. 'On croit quelquefois haïr la flatterie, mais on ne hait que le manière de flatter. 'Le refus de la louange est un désir d'être loué deux fois. 'Les passions les plus violentes nous laissent quelquefois du relâche, mais la vanité nous agite toujours. No more powerful dissolvent for the self-complacency of humanity was ever composed.

And this was the object and trade of that peculiar shop, the Bureau Universel d'Echange de Maux: you paid twenty francs, which the old man proceeded to take from me, for admission to the bureau and then had the right to exchange any evil or misfortune with anyone on the premises for some evil or misfortune that he "could afford," as the old man put it.

Qui rougit sans pudeur, et rit de tout sans joie, De cent maux differens pretend qu'elle est la proie; Et pleine de sante sous le rouge et le fard, Se plaint avec molesse, et se pame avec art." "Umbriel, a dusky, melancholy sprite As ever sullied the fair face of light, Down to the central earth, his proper scene, Repairs to search the gloomy cave of Spleen.

Hist. de l'Amerique Septentrionale, III. 32. He adds: "Les Francois ont avoue eux-memes qu'ils etoient nez pour la guerre, & quelques maux qu'ils nous ayent faits nous les avons toujours estimez." Ibid., 2. Unlike the Hurons, they required an entire unanimity in their decisions.

The verses began: "Femme ou demon, ange ou sylphide, Oh! par pitie, fuis, laisse-moi! Doux miel d'amour n'est que poison perfide, Mon coeur a trop souffert, il dort, eloigne-toi. "Je te l'ai dit, mon coeur sommeille; Laisse-le, de ses maux a peine il est gueri, Et j'ai peur que ta voix si douce a mon oreille Par un chant d'amour ne l'eveille, Lui, que l'amour a taut meurtri!"

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