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Correctly speaking, a surcharge is an added charge, but in philately the term is applied to a variety of overprints, the majority of which indicate a reduction rather than an increase in value. Years ago the word surcharge usually suggested a makeshift, something of a temporary nature prepared to meet an emergency and, therefore, interesting and likely to become valuable.

It was not till the fifth evening that Deronda, according to telegram, waited for Sir Hugo at the station, where he was to arrive between eight and nine; and while he was looking forward to the sight of the kind, familiar face, which was part of his earliest memories, something like a smile, in spite of his late tragic experience, might have been detected in his eyes and the curve of his lips at the idea of Sir Hugo's pleasure in being now master of his estates, able to leave them to his daughters, or at least according to a view of inheritance which had just been strongly impressed on Deronda's imagination to take makeshift feminine offspring as intermediate to a satisfactory heir in a grandson.

It may even be asserted with confidence that many of the older generation died unconverted, though pig-roasting over all sorts of makeshift fires had been going on around them for some years. After a more or less prolonged residence in the United States, the Englishman finds his distrust lessening.

This makeshift platform was not large, and men, women, and children were seated on the ground around it, pressing up against it, as close to the speaker as they could get. Directly in front of Miss Anthony sat a woman with a child about two years old a little boy; and this infant, like every one else in the packed throng, was dripping with perspiration and suffering acutely under the blazing sun.

It was wonderful how the moonlight transformed everything. Here was the living, breathing poem itself before her. She forgot it was Lloyd and Malcolm posing in makeshift costumes on a calico-covered dry goods box. It seemed the barge itself, draped all in blackest samite, going upward with the flood, that day that there was dole in Astolat.

But," he added, smilingly, "I don't say that Bulstrode's new hospital is a bad thing; and as to his wanting to oust me from the old one why, if he thinks me a mischievous fellow, he is only returning a compliment. And I am not a model clergyman only a decent makeshift." Lydgate was not at all sure that the Vicar maligned himself.

Last night Meares told us of his adventures in and about Lolo land, a wild Central Asian country nominally tributary to Lhassa. He had no pictures and very makeshift maps, yet he held us really entranced for nearly two hours by the sheer interest of his adventures. The spirit of the wanderer is in Meares' blood: he has no happiness but in the wild places of the earth.

Without one single straining effort, without the least thought of doing anything spectacular, she had gently and calmly taken up men's tools and had done men's work not indifferently well not in any makeshift manner but "in all cases, even the most technical, her work has equalled that previously done exclusively by man.

In one instance it was composed mainly of long black horse-hairs, arranged in a circular manner, with a lining of fine yellow grass; the whole presenting quite a novel appearance. In another case the nest was chiefly constructed of a species of rock moss. The nest for the second brood during the same season is often a mere makeshift.

But the American people will not accept mass unemployment or mere makeshift work. There will be need for the work of everyone willing and able to work and that means close to 60,000,000 jobs. Full employment means not only jobs but productive jobs. Americans do not regard jobs that pay substandard wages as productive jobs.