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Johnson m'self." Turning to her visitor again, she said: "Have your whisky with water, won't you?" "But I don't " began Johnson in protest. "Say," interrupted the Girl, falling back into her favourite position of resting both elbows on the bar, her face in her hands, "I've got you figgered out. You're awful good or awful bad." A remark which seemed to amuse the man, for he laughed heartily.

"An', anyhow, whatever play comes up, four men's a heap better'n one. If you're bound t' mix in, why, lead the way. I'm kinda curious about what's down there m'self." So near to the post it was that MacRae almost knew the feel of the ground underfoot. He led us a hundred yards along the rim of the bank and stopped again.

I am much obliged to you, Master Tray. But from what Deborah Junk says you were a guttersnipe. How did you get this post?" "I talked m'self int' it," said Tray, importantly. "Newspapers ain't good enough, and you gets pains in wet weather. So I turns a good boy" he grinned evilly "and goes to a ragged kids' school to do the 'oly. The superintendent ses I'm a promising case, and he arsked Mr.

Pop was forgetting his age. "I guess I'll ride yore horse m'self," he announced, and they exchanged horses under the shelter of the bank. "You kin take an' ride Boise-an' I want you should beat me if you kin." He looked at Bud appraisingly. "I'll bet a dollar," he cried suddenly, "that I kin outrun ye, young feller!

Barbara sitting quietly beside me, we heard them talking at the back of the machine, as the jack quickly lifted us and Worth went to it with Capehart to unbolt the rim; a low-toned steady stream from the wide man, punctuated now and then by a word from Worth. "Yeh," Capehart grunted, prying off the tire. "Heard it m'self 'bout noon or a little after. Yeh, Ward's Undertaking Parlors."

"You see, I want to get some money to my kiddie, an' besides, I got m'self kind o' scared about keepin' dust in my cabin. See?" "A yes I see. But " The door of the cabin next the saloon opened suddenly. A graybeard with a young face came out rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stared interrogatively at the river, and then to the world in general: "What time is it?" "Half-past four."

An' they'll want to have things changed right off. I want to see things changed m'self. I'd like to, but them things take time, an' that's what women won't understand. "Jimminee, I've heard of towns all messed up and candidates ruined just because the women got wrought up over tenement-house an' fire laws an' truck like that.

"Got a tin box there yep," confirmed McCorquodale as he fed the fire he had started in front of the tent. "I've been here goin' on two weeks an' I figger to make m'self comfortable when I goes fishin'." "Fish much at night?" inquired Kendrick suspiciously. "Yep. Night's best time to catch my kind o' fish," grinned his host.

And I'll board m'self, if you'd ruther. I've got grub enough. I guess I better be gittin' along back to camp if you ain't afraid to stay alone. Them two couldn't git back much b'fore daylight, if they run all the way; and by that time I'll be up and on the lookout," and Casey swung off without waiting for an answer.

"Yes, Mosquito Bend," he said sharply. "Nigh to a mile on. Keep to the trail, an' you'll strike Blind Hell in a few minutes. Say " He broke off, and looked up into Tresler's face. "Yes, I'm going there. You don't happen to belong to to Blind Hell?" "Happen I do," assured the washerman. "I do the chores around the ranch. Joe Nelson, once a stock raiser m'self. Kerrville, Texas.