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Some time he meant to ask Grandmother Kunkel why she so resented Dr. Harpe's presence. Dr. Harpe was seated in a porch chair, with one leg thrown over the arm, swinging her dangling foot, when Mrs. Symes appeared. She turned her head and eyed her critically, as she stood in the doorway. "Gus, you're gettin' to be a looker." Mrs. Symes smiled with pleasure at the compliment.

At that moment a tall boy passed them rapidly, going out of the door into the street. It was Buck Looker, and he had passed the others without recognizing them. "Did you ever hear any more from Buck?" questioned Bob of Larry. "No," and Larry's face clouded. "But I suppose he still thinks me guilty of that robbery." "Forget Buck!" cried Joe. "He isn't worth worrying about." "Perhaps not.

I was working on it last night, and when I went out this evening, it was gone." "Was anything else stolen?" asked Bob. "No. That's the funny thing about it," replied Jimmy. "Nothing was touched but my set." "Then it looks to me as though Buck Looker or one of his crowd had taken it," said Bob, after thinking a few minutes. "You know they have it in for us, and they'd do anything to harm us."

"Well, I call this some nifty little joint!" exclaimed Dunk, stepping back to admire the effect of the photograph of a pretty girl he had fastened on the wall. "It sure is," agreed Andy, who was himself putting up a picture. "I say, who's that?" asked Dunk, indicating it. "She's some little looker, if you don't mind me saying so." "My sister." "Congrats! I'd like to meet her." "Maybe some day."

He asked how many of us were 'lookers. Don't be modest, Amabel. Neither you nor Lucy are out of the running," Beatrice amiably suggested. "Ladies first," commented Amabel, pertly. There was no objection to being supported in one's suspicion that, after all, one was a "looker." "There may be a sort of explanation," Honora put the idea forward somewhat thoughtfully.

It would have been highly amusing for a looker on to observe how remarkably eager we were to pluck the feathers from its rump, and cut the skin, to see how thick the fat was, and whether it was a rich yellow, or only flesh-coloured. We had, indeed, a most extraordinary desire for anything fat; and we soon found where to look for it.

Henceforth, he could be only a looker on where he had so fondly figured himself as a contender. His face was white as ashes, and the coach shrank from the look of abject misery in his eyes. "Come now, old man, buck up," he tried to comfort him. "We'll send for the best surgeon in New York, and he'll have you on your feet again before you know it. You may make the big games yet."

"I shouldn't say it, Joanna, if it wasn't true, but a man who puts a sheep into poison-wash twice in a fortnight isn't fit to be anyone's looker." "But we were dipping for sheep-scab that takes something stronger than Keatings."

Bred up in England, he well knew the immense resources of that kingdom, and the indomitable character of its queen. A patriot of Ulster rather than of Ireland, he had served against the Desmonds, and had been a looker on at Smerwick. To suppress rivals of his own clan, to check O'Donnell's encroachments, and to preserve an interest at the English Court, were the objects of his earlier ambition.

The listener and looker behind the screen was charmed to absolute quiet, and the bird so utterly unsuspicious of observers that he was perfectly natural and at his ease, hopping quickly from place to place, and apparently snatching his repast between notes. The chat's secret of invisibility was thus plainly revealed.