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Updated: August 10, 2024

"That's my job," said Lize. "Nonsense!" said Redfield. "You're not fit to ride a mile. I won't hear of your going." "You wait and see. I'm goin', and you can't stop me." "Who is the man with him?" asked the Forester. "I don't know. An old herder, he said. He said he could take care of him all right for the present, but that if he were taken down himself "

You're not coming in?" he broke off to say to the young physician, whom Lize had shamed into returning to the cabin. "I suppose I'll have to," he protested, weakly. "I don't see the need of it. The whole place reeks of the poison, and you might carry it away with you. Unless you insist on coming in, and are sure you can prevent further contagion, I shall oppose your entrance.

Why, he go out, an' he hunt up de po' shiverin', bleatin' lambs and brings 'em into de fol'. Don't you bothah 'bout de wes' plantation, sis' Lize." And Uncle Simon hobbled off down the road with surprising alacrity, leaving his interlocutor standing with mouth and eyes wide open. "Well, I nevah!" she exclaimed when she could get her lips together, "I do believe de day of jedgmen' is at han'."

Dere's Darry, and Pete Pete, he say de meetin' de oder night war 'bout de best meetin' he eber 'tended; he wouldn't miss it for not'ing in de world; he's sure; and dere's ole 'Lize; and de two Jems no, dere's tree Jems dat is ser'ous; and Stark, and Carl and Sharlim " "Sharlim?" said I, not knowing that this was the Caffir for Charlemagne. "Sharlim," Maria repeated.

There was an accent of blunt truth in his voice, and the mere fact that a charge of such weight could be openly made appalled the girl, although her recollections of her mother were not entirely pleasant. The young fellow on the back seat slowly said: "I don't complain of Lize sellin' bad whiskey, but the grub she sets up is fierce."

You are in the company of others I must consider their welfare." The young fellow was relieved. "Well, so long as we know what it is I can prescribe just as well right here," he said, and gave directions for the treatment, which the ranger agreed to carry out. "I tried to bring a nurse," explained Redfield, "but I couldn't find anybody but old Lize who would come."

The girl flushed with confusion as the men roared over her blunder. "One of the girls told me Mr. Cavanagh had killed a man," she explained. "Where is he?" Lize betrayed annoyance. "They say he's taking supper at Mike Halsey's, though why he didn't come here I don't see. What's he going to do?" she asked. "Won't the marshal take the men off his hands?"

I've been asking myself that question all day to-day." "This playin' game warden has some outs, too. That was a wild crowd last night. The town is the same old hell-hole it was when I knew it years ago. Fine girl of Lize Wetherford's. She blocked me all right." He smiled wanly. "I certainly was on my way to the green timber when she put the bars up."

Wentz said in a matter-of-fact voice. "I don't see why you need hide to do it. We folks out here like to see the young people sparkin'. Your young man is a fine-appearin' chap. I felt certain you was sweethearts, for all you allowed you'd known him only a few days. Lize Davis said she saw he was sweet on you. I like his face.

The truth of the revelation reached her instantly, explaining a hundred strange things which had puzzled her all her life. The absence of deep affection between herself and Lize was explained. Their difference in habit, temperament, thought all became plain. "But my mother!" she said, at last. "Who was my mother?" "I never saw her.

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