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Updated: August 10, 2024

Slipping from his saddle, he took a seat upon a stone, that he might the better read and slowly digest what was contained therein. He read on slowly, without any other movement than that which was required to turn the leaves. It was a passionate plea from Eleanor Redfield against his further entanglement with Lize Wetherford's girl. "You cannot afford to marry her. You simply cannot.

You know 'Liza married Benny Stanfield, and she says " "Ah, say!" interrupted Miss Carrington, brightly, "Lize Perry is never married what! Oh, the freckles of her!" "Married in June," grinned the gossip, "and livin' in the old Tatum Place. Ham Riley perfessed religion; old Mrs.

He spoke with difficulty, and his voice was hoarse with emotion. Lize turned to Lee. "The Doc said 'no liquor, but I guess here's where I draw one I feel faint." Ross hurried to her side, while young Gregg tendered a handsome flask. "Here's something." Lize put it away. "Not from you. Just reach under my desk, Ross; you'll find some brandy there. That's it," she called, as he produced a bottle.

You shouldn't be too hard on a sick woman, but she ought to send her girl away or get out. As you say, the Fork is no kind of a place for such a girl. If I had a son, a fine young feller like that girl is, do you suppose I'd let him load himself up with an old soak like me? No, sir; Lize has no right to spoil that girl's life.

There were a few political salons. The Countess de R. received every evening but only men no women were ever asked. The wives rather demurred at first, but the men went all the same as one saw every one there and heard all the latest political gossip. Another hostess was the Princess Lize Troubetskoi.

A harmless little man his own worst enemy, as the saying goes. At length her mother led her through the archway which connected the two shanties, thence along a narrow hall into a small bedroom, into which the western sunset fell. It was a shabby place, but as a refuge from the crowd in the restaurant it was grateful. Lize looked at her daughter critically.

And in this hope he rode away down the trail with bent head, for all this bore heavily upon his relationship to the girl waiting for him in the valley. He had thought Lize a burden, a social disability, but a convict father now made the mother's faults of small account. The nearer he drew to the meeting with Lee Virginia the more important that meeting became.

"What nonsense we talk of heredity, of family," he thought. Standing over the wasted body of his patient, he asked again: "Why let even Lize know? To her Ed Wetherford is dead. She remembers him now as a young, dashing, powerful horseman, a splendid animal, a picturesque lover. Why wring her heart by permitting her to see this wreck of what was once her pride?"

Lize had insisted on going back to her work looking like one stricken with death, yet so rebellious that her daughter could do nothing with her; and in the nature of fate the day's business had been greater than ever, so that they had all been forced to work like slaves to feed the flood of custom. And Lize herself still kept her vigil in her chair above her gold.

Gregg was standing before the counter talking with Lize as Lee returned, and he said, with a broad smile: "I've just been saying I'd take this hotel off your mother's hands provided you went with it." In the mouths of some men these words would have been harmless enough, but coming from the tongue of one whose life could only be obscurely hinted at the jest was an insult.

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