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The tears came into her eyes. "Thirty-four," she answered. "How old?" After she had repeated it, 'Melia turned suddenly, and made a solemn statement. "I picked off my gloxinias and gave 'em all to Willard." She lisped on the name, and made it a funny flower. Hetty was trembling. "Yes, dear, yes," she responded prayerfully. "They were real handsome blooms. I was obleeged to ye."

Those matchless hymns antedating our modern era by so many shifting centuries, are lisped by children at their mother's knee, form part of every religious ritual of which the one God is the centre, and voice the love and prayer and praise of every heart that seeks the Creator.

"We are!" Hamar stammered, "and we are willing to give our souls in exchange for them." "Souls!" the voice lisped, whilst trunk and branches swayed lightly, and the air was full of silent merriment. "Souls! you speak in terms you do not understand.

Mary is the first name to be lisped in childhood, the last to be uttered by the quivering lips before they are closed in death. Around the neck of the infant is suspended a small image of the Virgin; when the babe seeks the breast it must kiss the image, and thus literally does it draw in the adoration of Mary with its mother's milk.

He had grown more fanatical and abject in his worship. He spoke less, and lisped in very low tones. He sighed often, and sometimes mightily; and ogled unhappily, and smiled lackadaisically.

At length they heard the children cry; on which, Lalotte ran into the room, and found no one with them but Lewis. "What a shame," cried Lalotte, "for that lazy boy Philip, to leave all these little ones, with only you, Lewis. Where is Henric, pray?" "Oh! Henric is gone to the fair with cousin Philip," lisped little Lewis. "Oh that wicked Philip!" cried Lalotte. "Aunt! aunt!

Uncle James had read prayers with such happy unction, and showed such pleased importance as he took his seat. "Aunt Victoria," he lisped, "I have just observed in yesterday's paper that money matters are in a bad way. There has been a crisis in the city, and your investments have sunk so low that your income will be practically nil."

It was Louise, who at that moment made her appearance in her nightdress, breathless with terror. "Mon Dieu, it is only the Mexican! Thank God!" lisped she, in an accent of infinite joy and relief. "Thanks, dearest Louise! for those words," said I; "they make me very happy." I caught her in my arms, and pressed a kiss upon her lips.

The little girl looked at Georgie, and Georgie looked at her. There seemed to be no need of any further introduction. "I've got a cut on my thumb," said he. It was the first work of his first real knife, a savage triangular hack, and he esteemed it a most valuable possession. "I'm tho thorry!" she lisped. "Let me look pleathe."

'Who have we here? asked Miss Glitters, as a ponderous, parti-coloured clown, on a great, curly-coated cart-horse, brought up the rear. 'Early callers, observed Captain Seedeybuck, eating away complacently. 'Friends of Mr. Sponge's, most likely, suggested Captain Quod. 'Some of the little Sponges come to see their pa, p'raps, lisped Miss Howard, pretending to be shocked after she had said it.