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In his arms he carried a child. Brossard almost dropped his candle in his first surprise, and his wonder grew until he could hardly contain it, when the curly head raised itself from monsieur's shoulder, and the sleepy baby voice lisped something in a foreign tongue. "By all the saints!" muttered Brossard, as he stood aside for his master to pass.

"Name's Jimmy Lee," was the lisped answer. "I'm goin' to Santa Fe. Where you goin'?" Kid Wolf gulped. He could not reply. There was small chance that this little boy would ever reach Santa Fe, or anywhere else. Tears came to his eyes, and he wheeled Blizzard fiercely. "Good-by!" came the small voice. "Good-by, Jimmy Lee," choked the Texan.

In a moment she returned, and balancing herself on one foot, she lisped very sweetly: “I should like by and by to have you give me the head of Iohanan—” she looked about; in the distance a eunuch was passing, a dish in his hand, and she added, “on a platter.” Antipas jumped as though a hound under the table had bitten him on the leg.

"Oh, I think the hay loft is nicer than our attic home, after all," laughed Silver Ears. "So it is," agreed Limpy-toes. "Because we are all living together," said Dot. "I think we have nicer things to eat," drawled Buster. "And we love to play with Wink and Wiggle," lisped Tiny. "Yes, my children, it is indeed a Merry Christmas this year," said Grand-daddy.

She could not understand the girl's foreign name, and so the little Mexican had written it out in pencil, "Diane Merelda," and underneath she wrote in tiny letters, "F. de M." "What do those mean?" Adelle had demanded, pointing to the mysterious letters. "Fille de Marie," the little Catholic lisped, and translated, "Daughter of the Blessed Virgin; you understand?"

They admitted him, as it were, into their circle, and then turning again to the captain continued their clamour for a story. "No, no about old friends first. How how's old mother Morris?" "Quite well," they shouted. "Fatterer than ever," added an urchin, who in England would have been styled cheeky. "Yes," lisped a very little girl; "one of 'e doors in 'e house too small for she."

When Bersenyev was talking to a woman, his words came out more slowly, and he lisped more than ever. 'You want to be a professor of history? inquired Elena. 'Yes, or of philosophy, he added, in a lower voice 'if that is possible. 'He's a perfect devil at philosophy already, observed Shubin, making deep lines in the clay with his nail. 'What does he want to go abroad for?

"Is it too early to suggest science?" lisped Maud Leslie timidly. "I've been reading about the possible change of climate and its relation to the sun's rays going wild into space. I don't want to start anything, but it might be judicious to buy more furs next Summer. Also it might justify the premonitory fad."

"O Dios!" lisped Van Dorn. "This Phoebus, is he a good man?" "Brave as a lion, sir; pore as any pungy captain; the best friend I ever had. I hoped mother would marry him, he's been a-waitin' fur her so long. She's afraid father ain't dead." "O hala, hala! women are such waiters; but this man can wait too. Is he strong?"

The boy came running up to them, when they were landed, with pleasure and confidence shining in his dusky eyes. Save for tiny buckskin breeches, he was naked, and his shiny skin gleamed gold-bronze in the sunlight. He was a singularly handsome child. "Me Benny," he lisped in English, holding up his little hand to Nell.