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Please bring a needle and thread and mend it for me, Silvy." "There is no thread, Mammy. I used the last needleful yesterday sewing patchwork." "Dear me, I shall have to get some," sighed Mother Graymouse. "I have a whole paper of needles, but they are useless without thread." "I saw Ruth Giant making a doll's dress in the play-room," lisped Tiny, "and she had a nice, new spool of white cotton.

She threw herself at her mother's feet, looked up to her with eyes swimming in tears, and instantly hiding her face with both her hands, lisped out these words: "Only give me two kisses, such as you give my brother." What heart could fail to relent at these words? Mrs.

He never tells us,” lisped Marya Kondratyevna. “Though I used to come here as a friend,” Smerdyakov began again, “Dmitri Fyodorovitch has pestered me in a merciless way even here by his incessant questions about the master. ‘What news?’ he’ll ask. ‘What’s going on in there now? Who’s coming and going?’ and can’t I tell him something more. Twice already he’s threatened me with death.”

We took our coffee in the study they intended to furnish the salon very soon with the price of a story to be published by Levy then, as the evening was cool, a fire of sticks and twigs was built, and while we smoked, Miraz and I, recalling old memories, the mistress of the house, holding on her knees little Helen, now ready for bed, made her repeat "Our Father" and "Hail Mary," which the little one lisped, rubbing her little feet together before the warm flame.

"Excuse me, sir; I positively will not!" said Manuel, and no sooner had he lisped the words, than Dunn threw the whole contents in his face. Enraged at such outrageous conduct, the poor fellow could stand it no longer, and fetched him a blow that levelled him upon the floor. The Dutchman ran to the assistance of Dunn, and succeeded in relieving him from his unenviable situation.

"Old Tom thinks someone is bobbing it for him to play with," lisped Tiny. "Stop winding," directed Silver Ears, "and old Tom will soon take another nap." When Mother Graymouse returned, Silver Ears had the shopping bag neatly mended and there was plenty of thread upon their spool. "I meant to have gone for it myself.

Just then one of the maidens approached her, lisped musically into her ear, and pointed to the approaching knight. Almost imperceptibly, but oh, so graciously, the lips of the vision moved.

Her incoherence vanished as she grasped at a practical consideration. "But let Milly take you up stairs and get your things off," she said with an air as of one who solves problems. "Are you truly Cothin Nelly?" Joy lisped. "All wight; come thee my twee." Though she couldn't recognise me as the cousin of a few weeks earlier, the child was eager to claim me as a new friend.

'You may come and see us any evening when you are good, lisped Mrs Skewton. 'If Mr Dombey will honour us, we shall be happy. Withers, go on! The Major again pressed to his blue lips the tips of the fingers that were disposed on the ledge of the wheeled chair with careful carelessness, after the Cleopatra model: and Mr Dombey bowed.

"The dear thing must have her way," lisped the Meltonbury, from the floor where she sat, cross-legged, also in divided skirt. "My work will be spoiled, then," said the artist, ruefully. "Then dry it by the flame in the Colonel's eyes as he nears and takes in my trousers, and hang it so he gets a double show," exclaimed Madame, recklessly.