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"Fay," the child lisped; "Fayfiddly Wayland." "Lawk-a-daisy!" and Mrs. Wheatfield fell back laughing. "I'll tell you how it was, ma'am. When no one thought they would live an hour, Squire Wayland he sent for parson and had 'em half baptised Faith, Hope, and Charity. They says his own mother's was called Faith, and the other two came natural after it, and would do as well to be buried by as aught.

Yet twice a day at least, he would shed a tear, as he lisped his little prayer, kneeling at Mrs. Munro's knee, and asked God "to bless his dear dear father and mother, and make him a good boy." When Eric arrived in England, he was intrusted to the care of a widowed aunt, whose daughter, Fanny, had the main charge of his early teaching.

"Well, Jack," he said to his son, when they had been left in sole possession of the Jarley mansion, "you and I must entertain each other this afternoon. What shall we do?" "I'd like to play choo-choo car with you," said Jack. "I'll be the engine and you be the train." "Very well," said Jarley. "Have you got your steam up?" "Yeth," lisped Jack. "All aboard!"

What my right name was has now slipped my memory. I was indeed a wretched child, and know little of myself." "Was it Munday?" inquires the old man. Scarce has he lisped the name before she catches it up and repeats it, incoherently, "Munday! Munday! Munday!" her eyes flash with anxiety. "Ah, I remember now. I was called Anna Munday by Mother Bridges.

"It is necessary to instil the right ideas from very childhood. Now look at my children...." And he shouted at his son with unnecessary loudness, though the two sat almost nudging each other: "Sergey!" "Yeth?" lisped the slobbering boy. "Stand up before me and answer."

Thus steadily on she lisped through verse after verse, and when the last was completed a sigh of relief was heard from Mrs. Stickles, while the parson clapped his hands with delight. How her eyes did sparkle as he handed her the little package, with a few words of encouragement, and how longingly the three others looked upon the treasure. "Now," said Mr. Westmore, "we must be away.

He stroked his long yellow mustache with the diamond-fingered hand, and drew his velvet smoking-cap tight upon his silken curls, but he was too pale to blush as formerly, though he lisped as much, like a modest boy. "Captain," the woman said, pleased to crimson, "you are so much smarter than me I'm afeard of you. Am I beautiful a little yet? Do I please you? I know you mock me."

I am glad he is going to marry that pretty Gladys. When they arrived at home they found the party from Abertewey ready to receive them, at least, Mrs Gwynne Vaughan and her children. The colonel was to join them at dinner. 'Oh, Freda, dear, I am tho glad you are come home again! lisped Mrs Gwynne Vaughan. 'Tho ith Gwynne. He thaith it will be delightful to have you.

However, Tess found at least approximate expression for her feelings in the old Benedicite that she had lisped from infancy; and it was enough. Such high contentment with such a slight initial performance as that of having started towards a means of independent living was a part of the Durbeyfield temperament.

The oh's and ah's and exclamations of approval, resultant of fairy cocktails, rewarded Beatrice for her expenditure. When she brought them into her own apartment she stood back, while Gay lisped out the story of the greatest achievement and novelty of the entire house, watching the faces of her guests so as to catch the first expression of envy which should reveal itself.