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Still, like animal and tamer they measured each other from the safer distance. Presently the girl spoke, laying all the blame upon him for the fright and suffering. "What right have you, Jude Lauzoon, to come here insulting me?" "What right had you," he blurted out, "to make me think you was that that sort?" "I didn't make you think it you thought it because you wanted to think it it was in you."

"Well, Drew," he said, making an effort to speak evenly, "there doesn't seem to be anything more to say. I am going. Good-bye." "Dale where are you going?" Drew was beside him. "I'm going to try and find Joyce Lauzoon." "She has gone to her husband! He sent for her and she went." Drew spoke with an effort; but before the look on John Dale's face, he staggered back.

Angé again. "You are wrong, terribly wrong. Mr. Gaston never wanted to marry me, and I can take care of myself I always have taken care of myself! Why why, I'm engaged to Jude Lauzoon. I'm going to marry him right away. We can't even wait for him to build a new shack. If a minister doesn't happen this way, we're going over to Hillcrest. Oh, what a joke we've played on you!"

Love, such love as worn-out civilization knows not, took possession of Joyce Lauzoon. A love that controlled and uplifted. Dale waited then she came to him, glorious and strong in her power of joy-giving. She clasped her hands around his neck, and lifted her face to his; their lips met and their eyes grew wondrously tender. "And now," it was Joyce who recalled him to duty "where shall we go?"

A friendless creature who had no real hold upon any one. She thought of Gaston but he no longer suggested safety to her. She thought of Lauzoon, and a wave of fear and repulsion swept over her. She knew she was driven to him.

I went to find Jude Lauzoon. I meant to free her, and marry her. Her love has always been mine. This may make no difference perhaps you cannot believe it but it's God's truth, and now you see why I must have her." Drew had never shifted his gaze from the speaker's face. Conflicting emotions tore him but there was no doubt in his heart, now, of Gaston.

The witch-light danced in the steady glance she turned upon him; she threw her head back and her slim throat showed white and smooth in the lamp's glow. "Suppose he did hold my hand and and kiss me, Jude Lauzoon, you'd like to do the same yourself, now wouldn't you?" She was ignorantly testing her weak, woman's weapon on the man's metal.

The heavy storm, in any case, would hinder a long journey, and the men at Camp 7 might perhaps have news of Lauzoon either before or after Joyce had met him a day or so ago. It had been a short time. He and Brown Betty were a better pair than Jude and a heavy-hearted woman. So Dale drove on toward Camp 7.

No wonder it didn't strike me first; I guess I read it Jude Lauzoon. Here, you want to tote it up the hill? Shouldn't wonder if it was from Jude. If he's got over his sulks, and finds no one to do for him, it's just like him to wheedle his woman into coming back and beginning all over." Billy had grasped the letter with trembling hands. He was breathing short and hard.

Gaston strode in. Whatever the night had meant to him, his face bore little trace of anything but stern purpose. "Good morning, Drew," he said quietly. "Joyce Lauzoon has left my house. Can you tell me anything about her?" "Very little, Gaston." The onslaught, so direct and unerring, rather took Drew's breath, but he caught himself in time.