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Gerard did look, and the sentence in question ran thus: "ON NE LOGE CEANS A CREDIT; CE BONHOMME EST MORT, LES MAUVAIS PAIEURS L'ONT TUE." They met the landlord in the passage. "Welcome, messieurs," said he, taking off his cap, with a low bow. "Come, we are not in Germany," said Gerard. In the public room they found the mistress, a buxom woman of forty.

During the revolution, when the peasants of all the adjoining estates violently dispossessed their landlords of their property; when every adjoining chateau exhibited a scene of desolation and ruin; the peasants of this estate were remarkable for their moderate and steady conduct; so far from themselves pillaging their seigneur, they formed a league for his defence " Ils l'ont soutenùs," as they themselves expressed it and he continued throughout, and is now in the quiet possession of his great estate.

Quen'ajoute-t-il que Fulvie et Mélanie l'ont condamné sans l'avoir lu, et qu'il est ami de Fulvie et de Mélanie?" In contrast with this method the caution and critical scrutiny with which Dr. Brinton, in his work on "The Lenape," deliberates upon the question of the authenticity of the Walam Olum are indeed marked.

Les Anglois, qui l'ont examine avec details, lui ont donne le nom de Port Phillip en l'honneur du premier gouverneur de la colonie du Port Jackson...Vers l'interieur on voit de hautes montagnes; elles se rapprochent du rivage a la hauteur du Cap Suffren; et de ce point jusqu'au cap Marengo, la cote, plus elevee encore, est d'un aspect riant et fertile."

While the Superior cogitated, "How-do, Brother Etienne?" said Nicholas, and they nodded. Brother Etienne brought the rest of his heavy body half inside the door. He wore aged, weather-beaten breeches, and a black sweater over an old hickory shirt. "Ses compagnons l'ont laissé, l

Plusieurs se sont efforcés de lui donner un nom harmonieux; mais ils ne l'ont pu sans occasionner des équivoques. Les mots Brèche Puddinstone Conglomérations, &c. désignent toujours des substances autres que cette espèce de pierre.

Writing his memoirs at the age of fifty-two, Beyle looked back with pride on the joy that he had felt, as a child of ten, amid his royalist family at Grenoble, when the news came of the execution of Louis XVI. His father announced it: C'en est fait, dit-il avec un gros soupir, ils l'ont assassiné.

Ils avoient pour vêtement des robes dont les manches, larges de plus d'un pied et demi, dépassoient leur bras, et pour toque un chapeau rond terminé en pointe, de laine cramoisie, et velu; mais ce chapeau, au lieu d'avoir sa toile tortillée tout autour, comme l'ont les autres Maures, l'avoit pendante fort bas des deux côtés, dans toute sa largeur.

L'histoire n'est fondee que sur le tomoignage des Auteurs qui nous l'ont transmisse. Il importe donc extremement, pour la scavoir, de bien connoitre quels etoient ces Auteurs.

"To judge by his expression, the man seems ambitious of 'les succes de salon, also. Where did he import his manners from, I wonder? they have a sort of bright, new look, as if he had not yet worn the gloss off." "Don't laugh at him; he gives excellent dinners." "Does he? Can't you introduce me, immediately? 'Ici l'ont fait noces et festins. I seem to smell the turtle-soup, already."