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Children are sometimes, nay often, very pretty, agreeable and amusing things: but there comes a time when we rather wish they would go to the nursery. Perhaps the "sometimes" occurs with Keats's earlier letters if not with his later. He is thus also a text for the second part of our sermon the duty of editors and publishers of correspondence. Il l'a voulu, as the famous tag from Molière has it.

The old Iron Crown of the Kings of Lombardy was brought from the dust in which it had been buried, and the new Coronation took place in the cathedral at Milan, the largest in Italy, with the exception of St. Peter's at Rome. Napoleon received the crown from the hands of the Archbishop of Milan, and placed it on his head, exclaiming, "Dieu me l'a donnee, gare a qui la touche."

Ainsi, pour punir l'ambition rapace de Buonaparte, la Providence l'a enchaine, jusqu'a ce que la mort s'en suivit, sur un roc isole de l'Atlantique. Peut-etre la aussi a-t-il senti lui fouillant le flanc cet insatiable vautour dont parle la fable, peut-etre a-t-il souffert aussi cette soif du coeur, cette faim de l'ame, qui torturent l'exile, loin de sa famille et de sa patrie.

"On l'a triché donc, après tout," he muttered; "Sang Dieu! les absens ont diablement tort." Sunk as she was at that moment in gloomy meditations, Cecil never forgot that the last object on which her eyes lighted in Dorade was the blasted wreck of the crippled Algerian.

Du haut de la montagne on voit le golfe de Galipoly. Quand on l'a descendu on entre dans une vallée terminée par un très-grand lac, autour duquel sont construites beaucoup de maisons. C'est l

"I am very much obliged to you, ma'am," I began, when a little burst of laughter stopped me. It came from all the teachers; even Mme. Ricard was smiling. "You are out for once, Géneviève," she said. "La charmante!" said Mme. Jupon. "Voyez l'a plomb!" "No, you don't want me," said Mlle. Géneviève, nodding. "Go you'll do." I went back to the upper room and presently tea was served.

I saw the Baronne talking to him seriously while we were having "five o'clock;" and just as we were starting, she came up and said low to Héloise, who was beside me, "J'espère que tout va bien, Adèle l'a remplacé, et ne veut plus de lui! Oh! la bonne fille!" So whoever "Adèle" is, I suppose she has done Victorine a good turn.

Elle l'a lien voulu, and if you're married you're married; it's the smoke or call it the soot! of the fire. You know, yourself," she roundly pursued, "that Nanda's situation appals you." "Oh 'appals'!" he restrictively murmured. It even tried a little his companion's patience. "There you are, you English you'll never face your own music.

J'ai fait autrefois une dissertation ou je recherchois quelle etoit la cause du rire qu'excitent les betises, et dans laquelle j'appuyois mon explication de beaucoup d'exemples et peut-etre meme du mien sans m'en appercevoir; mais la femme d'esprit a qui j'ai adresse cette folie l'a perdue, et je n'ai pas pu la recouvrir.

But this invitation Eugene declined, because as a French Prince under the fallen Government he had commanded the Marshals, and he therefore could not submit to be the last in rank among those illustrious military chiefs. Thus, at the expiration of nine years, fell the iron crown which Napoleon had placed on his head saying, "Dieu me l'a donne; gare a qui la touche."