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Ainsi, pour punir l'ambition rapace de Buonaparte, la Providence l'a enchaine, jusqu'a ce que la mort s'en suivit, sur un roc isole de l'Atlantique. Peut-etre la aussi a-t-il senti lui fouillant le flanc cet insatiable vautour dont parle la fable, peut-etre a-t-il souffert aussi cette soif du coeur, cette faim de l'ame, qui torturent l'exile, loin de sa famille et de sa patrie.

After climbing the peak of Vautour, which stands at the source of the Dyardanes and Banourah rivers, Fa-Hian descended the Ganges, visited the temple of Issi-paten that was frequented by magicians and astrologers, reached Benares, "the kingdom of splendours," and a little lower down, the town of Tomo-li-ti, situated at the mouth of the river, a short distance from the site of Calcutta in the present day.

Libre 40 Indienne 40 Muron 40 Vautour 12 Total 962 & Hannibal, 74 not in the action, 1036. The Spanish and French admirals were on board the Sabrina frigate. List of the British squadron, commanded by Rear-admiral Sir James Saumarez, which defeated the above combined squadron, 12th July 1801, in the Straits of Gibraltar: Ships names. Guns. Captains. Cæsar. 84 Captain Jahleel Brenton.

2nd Squadron. 1st Squadron. 3rd Squadron. St. Ferdinand, Formidable, Argonauta, St. Antonio, R. Carlos, Dessaix, Hermenegildo. Indomptable. St. Augustin. Fr. frigate Sabina, Vautour. A red pendant, under any other signal, signifies it is directed to the French ships only.