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This spirited little piece is full of dramatic vigour the remarks of Laches and Nicias about each other as they are repeatedly confuted are most human and diverting. Literary criticism is the subject of the Ion. Coming from Ephesus, Ion claimed to be the best professional reciter of Homer in all Greece.

The cities of Sicily could not behold the contest between Athens and Sparta without being drawn into the quarrel, and the result was that the Dorian cities made war on the Ionian cities, which, of course, sympathized with Athens. As these cities were weaker than the Dorian, they solicited aid from Athens, and an expedition was sent to Sicily under Laches, B.C. 426.

And you will tell me about Castlewood in the old times, won't you, Baroness?" says the new mistress of the mansion. O les laches que les hommes! I was so frightened, that I scarce saw anything, but vaguely felt that Lady Castlewood's dark eyes were following me. My lord gripped my arm in the corridor, we quickened our paces till our retreat became a disgraceful run.

And then, of a sudden, his heart kicked within him as if it would climb into his throat and choke him; for, round the distant point of the Lâches, a boat had stolen out, and, as he watched it anxiously, there came another, and another, and another. They were coming! Four boat-loads! That ought to be enough to make full sure of him.

I said to him, 'I have a favor to ask of you: that is, not to say anything to Monsieur about the laches he has displayed towards you. At this very moment up came Monsieur, who embraced the prince with as gay an air as if he had not left him at all in the lurch. The prince confessed that he had never been in so dangerous a position." The fight at Porte St.

The last flicker of the waving handkerchiefs above the sea-wall, and their responsive wavings from the boat, had been abruptly cut by the intervening bastion of Les Lâches, but Charles Svendt still leaned with his arms on the rail and looked back as though he could pierce the granite cliff and see the girls still standing there, and Graeme stood patiently behind him.

The Houses of Lords and Commons resound with panegyrics on France; the Convention with "delenda est Carthate" "ces vils Insulaires" "de peuple marchand, boutiquier" "ces laches Anglois" &c. &c. The efforts of the English patriots overtly tend to the consolidation of the French republic, while the demagogues of France are yet more strenuous for the abolition of monarchy in England.

"I should be in the condition of a man not guilty before the law; guiltless, as far as the law goes, but kept in durance, not for the faults of his own, but because otherwise, by reason of laches in the police, his presence at the assizes might not be ensured. In such a position a man's reputation is made to hang for awhile on the trust which some friends or neighbours may have in it.

He made no display of humility on the subject, but in his heart he felt rather ashamed that his conduct had shown laches which others who did not get benefices were free from. "I used often to wish I had been something else than a clergyman," he said to Lydgate, "but perhaps it will be better to try and make as good a clergyman out of myself as I can.

The two girls were standing in the outermost seaward corner of the breakwater, as though they had never moved, when the Assistance came nosing round Les Lâches next morning, and made for the harbour. And to Graeme, the sight of his wife, after a separation of eighteen hours, was like a life-giving stream to a pilgrim of the desert, or the blessing of light to a darkened soul.