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We paused to look at group after group, all equally enjoying themselves; and the Duchesse de Guiche, from her perfect knowledge of Paris, was enabled, by a glance, to name the station in life occupied by each: a somewhat difficult task for a stranger, as the remarkably good taste of every class of women in Paris in dress, precludes those striking contrasts between the appearance of a modiste and a marquise, the wife of a boutiquier and a duchesse, to be met with in all other countries.

The Houses of Lords and Commons resound with panegyrics on France; the Convention with "delenda est Carthate" "ces vils Insulaires" "de peuple marchand, boutiquier" "ces laches Anglois" &c. &c. The efforts of the English patriots overtly tend to the consolidation of the French republic, while the demagogues of France are yet more strenuous for the abolition of monarchy in England.

Il rumine Sur les trottoirs du Strand, droit comme un echiquier, Contre le peuple anglais, les negres, la vermine, Et les mille cokneys du peuple boutiquier, Contre tous les bas-bleus, contre les patissieres, Les parieurs d'Epsom, le gin, le parlement, La quaterly, le roi, la pluie et les libraires, Dont il ne touche plus, helas! un sou d'argent! Et chaque gentleman lui dit: L'heureux poete!

The Houses of Lords and Commons resound with panegyrics on France; the Convention with "delenda est Carthate" "ces vils Insulaires" "de peuple marchand, boutiquier" "ces laches Anglois" &c. &c. The efforts of the English patriots overtly tend to the consolidation of the French republic, while the demagogues of France are yet more strenuous for the abolition of monarchy in England.