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Updated: August 11, 2024

"I kin always tell dat; ef it draws up its legs and kicks, I kno dat sumthin' is de matter, an' I den gib sum ciderberry juice wid nutmeg grated ober it, an' in no time de baby cries fer more ob de juice. Sum folks gib dar babies 'Godfrey's Cordial, but I dus not blebe in doctors' fisic; nine times out ob ten dey will kill de baby. I thort dat you war sum kin to Mr.

At first she thought it was only a cruel joke of the Whipper-in, but when he spoke, she saw it was not. "Got you where I want you, Mother of Zion," he said through the key hole. "I guess you are safe there till mornin' unless the Angel of the Lord opens the do' as they say he has a way of doin' for Saints ha ha ha!" No word from within. "Wanter kno' what I shet you up for, Mother of all Holiness?

Then he laughed: "He was sober this morning an' was in a fair way to knock our plans sky high as to the gal, you kno'. Reformed this mornin', but you'll find him good and drunk to-night." "Oh," said Travis, knitting his brows thoughtfully. "Did you notice how much brighter, an' sech, she's been for a day or two?" asked Jud.

Let us remember, when we see the faults and vices of others that we see only what they've done as Bobby Burns says, we don't kno' what they have resisted. Give 'em credit for that maybe it over-balances. Balancin' ah, my bretherin, that's a gran' thing. It's the thing on which the whole Universe hangs the law of balance.

"Some of us has been so used to benefits," said the old man, "that it's only when they've withdrawn that we miss 'em. We're always ready to blame God for what we lose, but fail to remember what He gives us. We kno' what diseases an' misfortunes we have had, we never know, by God's mercy, what we have escaped. Death is around us daily in the very air we breathe and yet we live.

If the guard was of the long suffering kind he would answer: "Take yo' head back in, up dah; you kno hits agin all odahs to do dat?" Then the voice would say, aggravatingly, "Oh, well, go to you Rebel , if you can't answer a civil question." Before the speech was ended the guard's rifle would be at his shoulder and he would fire.

It was so long since he heard that name, he never wanted to again. He was glad that Ray Minturn had never called him Tip, nor heard him called so. Who could it be from? Nobody wrote to him except Kitty, and once in a long while his mother; but this was no home-letter. At last he broke the seal, and read: "DEER TIP, Mother's dead, I feel bad, you kno that, so what's the use? I've got to go to work.

KNO , and with a temperature of solidification below 233°. Dr.

Of all his congregation there was no more devoted member than Margaret Adams "an' as far as I kno'," the old man had often said, "if there is an angel on earth, it is that same little woman." When she came into church that day, the old man noticed that even the little Hillites drew away from her. Often they would point at the little boy by her side and make faces at him.

"Oh, yes yes " she smiled, "an' now even now I love him up right up as you see ... to the door, ... to the shadow, ... to the valley of the shadow...." "And it went for these, for these" he said looking around at the room. "For them my little ones they had no mother, you kno' an' Daddy's back.

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