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"Hope you feel better now," said Bob, who, in his interest in the Malay's proceedings, had forgotten all about the squabble with Tom Long. "Ugh! the dirty brute! Chewing tobacco's bad enough; but as for that I'd just like to get the armourer's tongs and fetch that out of your mouth, and then swab it clean." "No speak English; Malaya man," said the Kling laughing. "Chew betel, very good, sahib.

A bric-a-brac dealer with a shop in Jersey City filled with some very good English and Italian patterns and a fine assortment of European gatherings most of them rare, and all of them good fell ill and was ordered to Colorado for his health. His wife had insisted on going with him, and thus the whole concern, including its good-will worthless to Kling was offered to him at half its value.

They babble of things which their employers would have kept secret, their tongues limbered by drams from square-shouldered greenish bottles, Dutch as dykes, which line the shelves behind the bar. The Cuartel is owned by a black man from Batavia who calls himself Vanderzee. His mother was a Kling.

Then he wondered whether the ladies would not prefer some mangoes; but recollecting that they had had plenty of mangoes, and the delicious mangosteen in India, he decided upon some limes and a couple of cocoanuts, when the Kling exclaimed, "Why not sahib buy durian?" "What the dickens is durian?" said Tom. "Durian best nice fruit that grow, sahib." "Oh, is it?" said Tom. "Then let's have a look."

Turn upon turn of the red road he passed, and then stopped, halted by a sight. A sight which for weeks past he had worn in his heart, but which he had never hoped to see fulfilled. She was there, that child! That child so young, so voluptuous in her development, so immature in her mentality, and beside her, a little way away, sat the Kling prisoner who guarded her.

What Europeans pay is between five and six per cent, but the Kling merchants are understood to be charged with much higher duties; in the whole not less than fifteen, of which twelve in the hundred are taken out of the bales in the first instance, a disparity they are enabled to support by the provident and frugal manner in which they purchase their investments, the cheap rate at which they navigate their vessels, and the manner of retailing their goods to the natives.

"The top of the mornin' to ye, Otto Kling, and ye never see a better and a finer. And what can I do for ye? for ye wouldn't be lavin' them gimcracks of yours this time O'day unless there was somethin' up." "No, I don't got nudding you can do for me, Kitty. It's dis gentlemans wants someting and so I bring him over." "That's mighty kind of ye, Otto wait till I get me book. Careful, Mike."

Then, turning to Otto: "Perhaps you, Mr. Kling, can best tell me." "Vot you mean?" "How early must I come in the morning, and until how late must I stay at night?" The dealer hesitated, then answered slowly, "In de morning at eight o'clock, and" but, seeing a cloud cross O'Day's face, added: "Or maybe haf past eight vill do." "And at night?" "Vell you can't tell.

"Among the dead!" said the Colonel, in a hollow voice, "he was seized with apoplexy an hour ago." Angelica shrank and shuddered. "Yes," she said, "that I know. At the very instant when he died I felt as though some crystal thing within my being shivered, and broke with a 'kling. I fell into an extraordinary state. Heavenly blissfulness was all about me.

Now she is gone it is quite impossible to let the Kling Dobie touch papa's sleeves; they would soon be torn to ribbons. I gave the school a treat on Easter Tuesday. They had two soup-tureens full of syllabub, plum cake, and pine-apple puffs. My cook stared when I said, "Make forty large pine-apple puffs." However, they were for his own countrymen he is Chinese.