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And if one o' them Injun's sick, or the like, he treats 'em like a sure-'nough hospital sawbones. "Then he is a physician?" I asked suddenly. "I reckon he's most anything that a man kin l'arn out o' books," declared Captain Tugg. "He sent by me to Buenos Ayres here, first trip I made after we'd gone partners in the animal biz, for the greatest old outfit of drugs and the like you ever see.

Presently Whitey saw Injun's eyes take on their former faraway look, as though they were gazing into his father's tepee fire, or into the red faces of his kinsmen. "What did the White Chief do when he went back?" Whitey asked softly. "Him go back and get plenty soldiers," responded Injun. "And come get my mamma's brother, and tie him on pony, with him face looking at pony tail.

The sudden application of the cold water proved a balm to the sick boy, and, recognizing Bub, he inquired, confusedly, "Where where am I? what's the matter?" "Injun's come!" cried Bub, with renewed earnestness. Charlie attempted to rise, but fell back, exhausted, saying, while a growing faintness crept over him, "I can't get up, Bub, I'm so sick; pull the string."

They had tried in vain to exchange their heavy emigrant-wagon for one suitable for light work. "'Pears like I'd die o' shame," said Aunt Ri, "sometimes when I ketch myself er thinkin' what luck et's ben to Jos, er gettin' thet Injun's hosses an' waggin. But ef Jos keeps on, airnin' ez much ez he hez so fur, he's goin' ter pay the Injun part on 't, when he cums.

That he should use so insignificant and unimportant a tool now appeared to him to be quite natural, particularly as the service was probably one in which the man would be sacrificed. "The major," he suggested to his companions, "ain't going to risk a white man's skin, when he can get an Injun's hide handy."

The very next second it rolls his feet into the fire. Down the tree I slid, like snow down a mountain, an' stood at the foot of it an' pelted the bear with stones. The Injun's blanket began to smoke.

Whar is she, capt'n! Oh, take me to her! I'll fall on my knees. I'll axe her a thousand times to pardon me. 'Twar the Injun's fault. I'll swar it war the Chicasaw. She's been the cuss o' us both. Oh! whar is Marian? I love her more than iver! Whar is she?" "Patience!" I said; "you shall see her presently. She must be down the valley, among the Indian women. Mount your horse, and follow me!"

"Her eyes and her soft ways tell you that, Banjo, as plain as any words." "She's done ten times as much as that big-backed buffalo of a preacher she's married to ever done for his own people, or ever will. He's clim above 'em with his educated ways; the Injun's ironed out of that man. You can't reach down and help anybody up, mom, if you go along through this here world on stilts."

It was just like I said, this Injun's white keys was wore off short and looked like they needed something, so we laid ourselves out to supply the want. We didn't exactly fill them teeth; we merely riveted on a sort of a plowshare a gold sod-cutter about the size of your finger-nail. How Mike got it to stick I don't know, but he must have picked up quite a number of dentist's tricks before I came.

A derisive shout of laughter from all the men greeted this speech; and at that second, the leader, seeing the mark of blood where the Indian woman had dragged the meat across the ground, sprang to the bed, and lifting the deerskin, pointed with a sneer to the beef hidden there. "Perhaps, when you know Injun's well's I do," he said, "you won't be for believin' all they say!