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Under a soft panama hat a keen, shrewd face smiled so infectiously that the disgruntled seaman smiled back in spite of his grouch. "Well, what of it?" he demanded. "Might as well be a wooden Indian in this one-hoss town." The other advanced with extended hand. His eyes narrowed in appreciation of Barry's sturdy, powerful frame and clean-cut face. "Spotted you right off the bat, hey?

Seated at table, he proved infectiously depressing and gloomily silent. On the way to the Underground, Sandy Larcher, who happened to be in exuberant spirits, noticed his cousin's grave face and chaffed him about Cossie. "And so you couldn't sleep for thinking of her, eh? Ate no breakfast, only a bit of toast, and half a kipper; quite in a bad way, poor old chap."

Then all at once Willa was aware of a handclasp more vitalizing, and looked up into a pair of familiar laughing eyes. She smiled infectiously. "How do you do, Mr. North?" "By Jove!" Winnie beamed at her. "How do you girls manage it? to change your type, I mean. I thought you were wonderful that night, but now you've eclipsed the memory of it, and I didn't believe anything could ever do that.

"How can I, when the mere idea of you, married and settled, is so irresistibly funny that I can't keep sober!" answered Jo, smiling all over her face, so infectiously that they had another laugh, and then settled down for a good talk, quite in the pleasant old fashion. "It's no use your going out in the cold to get Amy, for they are all coming up presently. I couldn't wait.

"Ah, well" she dismissed analysis and the whole subject with a laugh that was partly yawn "away with dull care. Away with dull everything. It's too hot to think or feel. A real emotion is as superfluous and oppressive as a a 'camel petticoat!" This time her laugh was real and infectiously carefree. "Take off your hat, chicken.

"And yet I remember your saying once that you had very little of the normal in you, and even something about the cat's instinct." "Probably I meant the cat's instinct to say nasty things. Every woman " "No, what you meant " He began actually to explain, but her "Puss, Puss, Puss!" stopped him. Her dream was over and her laugh rang out infectiously as they returned to the tent.

After breakfast, he went to the piano, and played two-steps, and rag-time music, so infectiously, that Simpson literally tripped as he cleared the table; and Nurse Rosemary, sitting pale and preoccupied, with a pile of letters before her, had hard work to keep her feet still. Simpson had two-stepped to the door with the cloth, and closed it after him.

Now, then where are we bound?" Elma cast down her eyes, faintly blushing beneath her hat. Surely there was something infectiously electric in the air this afternoon, or why should her thoughts fly as an arrow from the bow to just that very spot which it should have been her maidenly duty to avoid?

I always want to stamp my foot and say 'I won't' when any one tells me I must do something." She laughed infectiously. "You'll probably fire me before the week's out," she prophesied. "I'll be as meek as possible, but if we quarrel, well, you know how sweet-tempered I can be!" Burns looked at her queerly and laughed. "I'll take a chance on that," he said, and went chuckling back to the camera.

"Yes." She smiled infectiously. "I've only once been spoken to unpleasantly in London, after knocking about for seven years, and then I offered the man a sixpence. I said: 'I'm sorry I haven't any more, and I can't spare that, but if you are hungry!... He looked as if he would like to slay me, and vanished."