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But we must remember that it is only the representative, the voice, of elements that actually exist in human minds and bosoms; and, surely, it is better that they should come out into the free air, and be sprinkled by the chloride of truth, than to work darkly and infectiously out of sight. It is the hidden, not the open evil that is dangerous.

So it was now with the members of this driven sect. The spirit of joy and a closer bond of affection went infectiously through the gathering Church. Upon the first Sunday they met together in the open air, and sang words that they verily believed had been written in particular prophecy for themselves at this very hour. "If it had not been the Lord that was on our side."

Then we all grew hilarious, and talked together like a lot of school children, and when the boys came in to dessert, as usual, they also were infectiously boisterous over the catching of some bass in the river where Timothy Saunders had taken them that afternoon as a special treat.

"You ain't got no suspicions yourself, have you?" "Suspicions of what?" "Who that dame in the taxicab was." Carroll laughed infectiously. "Goodness, no! If I had, I wouldn't be seated here chatting with you." Again the expression of relief flashed across Barker's face a bit of play lost by neither detective. Carroll was toying idly with a gold pencil on the end of his waldemar.

As if the inconsistencies of womankind were to be shown him as rapidly as possible, at this moment the shower came on, for, taking him tenderly about the neck, Dolly fell to weeping so infectiously, that, after standing rigidly erect till a great tear dropped off the end of his nose, ignominiously announcing that it was no go, Dick gave in, and laying his head on Dolly's shoulder, the twins quenched their anger, washed away their malice, and soothed their sorrow by one of those natural processes, so kindly provided for poor humanity, and so often despised as a weakness when it might prove a better strength than any pride.

Thence they went to his study, an attractive room lined with books, which, though untidy, was not startlingly so, not, perhaps, far beyond that peculiar limit of disorder allowed to a student's sanctum. Here the Reverend John Middleton, unmistakably and infectiously happy, talked with his supposed niece for an hour.

Besides, where one man or woman is injured by loving too much, nine hundred and ninety-nine die the death from not loving enough. But these Saratoga girls did neither one thing nor another. They dressed themselves in their best, making a point of it, and failed. They assembled themselves together of set purpose to be lively, and they were infectiously dismal.

And then he would lie sprawling in front of the fire with a half open eye and when you said "Fido" his ears would answer you, taut with response, while his tail would beat the floor in indolent happiness. Is there anything in life so infectiously joyous as a wagging tail?

There's a big Sioux village two or three days' journey farther on, and it's a certainty that their ponies are headed straight for it." "And we won't keep going for the same village?" The big hunter laughed infectiously. "Not if we know what is good for us," he replied, "and we think we do.

We laughed at that: men awaiting death on the battlefield laugh easily, though not infectiously. The brigade was formed in four battalions, two in front and two in rear. This gave us a front of about two hundred yards.