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Updated: August 15, 2024

She sighed, and twitched her shoulders impatiently because of it. "I see you brought back the glasses," she remarked inanely. "You certainly weren't in any great hurry, were you?" "Oh, they had us riding over east of the home ranch, hazing in some outa the hills. I'm supposed to be over there right now but I ain't. I expect I'll get the can, all right "

At first I thought the visitor one of Jerry's guests, but as she approached, butterfly net in hand, I saw that it was Una Habberton. So great was my surprise at seeing her that I stood, mouth open, stupidly staring. But she was laughing at me. "You're a nice one," she was saying. "Here I am a trespasser through the grille and not a soul to greet me." "You came," I muttered inanely.

"No; he may join us later; I cannot say," he answered, staring out of the window. I felt that he was embarrassed in some way; that there was something he wished to say, but hesitated at saying it. That wasn't a bit like him, for he had always been the personification of frankness. "I wonder if there's a bath to be had in the house," I said inanely, looking at my grimy hands.

"Dogs, dogs," drivelled old Horace Talbot, "Beachfield 's always talking about dogs. I remember the night we were all discussing that Hamilton nigger's arrest, Beachfield said it was a sign of total depravity because his man hunted 'possums with his hound." The old man laughed inanely. The hotel whiskey was getting on his nerves. The reporter opened his eyes and his ears.

She didn't, for, to my immense relief, as I sat staring at the fuchsia hedge that screened the approach to the house, I saw a black clerical hat bobbing along, and got a glimpse of a red face. "There's a parson coming here," I remarked inanely, and Mary started up, mopping her eyes with her ridiculous little handkerchief. "Goodness!

"I I wanted to see how it was stuck on," he explained inanely. "Stuck on!" bellowed Clayton. "I'll show you how it's STUCK on, if you monkey around here! Don't you know any better than that! Where were you dragged up anyway? The coroner hasn't been here yet. You're a hot cub of a reporter, you are!" He turned to Carruthers.

The arc lamps gleam through the monotonous downpour. One can only stand and dream ... how charming people are since they are alive ... how charming the rain is and the night.... And how foolish arguments are ... how banal are these cerebral monsters who pose as iconoclasts and devote themselves grandiloquently and inanely to disturbing the paper masks....

"No," gasped Peggy, and she felt that the heavens were about to open. "He wants to be different so he can spark her!" "Spark?" Peggy panted inanely as if the word were of foreign tongue. "Yep, spark." "Her?" "Yep. Her. Miss Drew." Peggy's jaw dropped. Since the sudden opening of the door, and Billy's unlooked-for entrance, events had crowded upon Peggy Falstar's horizon.

I gratefully recalled the emphatic monosyllables wherewith the premier's sister had so berated me; and turning upon the king's messenger with her tremendous my di! my di! dashed the key from his hand, as, inanely grinning, he held it out to me, caught my boy up in my arms, cleared the steps in a bound, and fled anywhere, anywhere, until I was stopped by the crowd of men, women, and children, half naked, who gathered around me, wondering.

A shipbuilder's daughter was on the front steps, a slender girl of dark, smooth skin and features, talking to a grown boy. The girl bowed: "How do you do, Miss Agnes?" The grown boy giggled inanely. Two old women, near neighbors of Agnes, had their spectacles wiped and run out to a proper focus, and the older of the two had a double pair upon her most insidious and suspicious nose.

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