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They does things often for which some o' the poor 'ud be put in quod, an' no mercy showed 'em, an' yet 'cos they're kings they gits off. An' I aint great on millionaires neither. They'se mis'able ricketty coves, all gone to pot in their in'ards through grubbin' money an' eatin' of it like, till ivery other kind o' food chokes 'em.

I want a little peace and comfort, and how could I have 'em while you was bein' kicked and cuffed around the streets? Here, I'll get you some dinner. I s'pose they only gave you enough at jail to aggravate your in'ards." "No, nothing more, please. Isn't there something I can do? I've sat still long enough." Mr.

Shivers a deal w'en it ain't cold, groans now an' then, an whimpers a good deal. It strikes me, now though I ain't a reg'lar sawbones that there's suthin' wrong with her in'ards." "I'll finish breakfast quickly and go over with you to see her," said I. "Don't need to 'urry, sir," returned Slidder; "she ain't wery bad not much wuss than or'nary on'y I've bin too anxious about her poor old thing.

And ye can let that devilish grin ride on yer lips when I say it and I don't give a hell; but but if ye say that she didn't love me, if ye so much as smile when I say that she died a callin' me, that she went away lovin' me every minute, I I'll rip offen yer hooked arm and tear out yer in'ards with it!" He was leaning against the wall no longer.

It's that hot that a fellow's very in'ards get parched up." Upon this Jerry slowly rose, and going to a cupboard, brought forth a modicum of spirits, which he called Battle-Axe, but which was supposed to be brandy. This Boscobel swallowed at a gulp, and then washed it down with a little water.

One cow and three pigs had been killed for the Christmas feast, but they did not go far between eight hundred people. The day before we had been served with some of the "in'ards," or, as the American said, the "machinery" of the poor beasts cut up into small pieces, even the lungs being used.

All the fash'nables 'as got it, an' all the doctors 'as their knives sharpened an' ready to cut off the remains o' the tail we 'ad when we was all 'appy apes together! Hor er hor! An' the bit o' tail 's curled up in our in'ards now where it ain't got no business to be.

I could see for myself. The in'ards of the monster had been pretty thoroughly knocked out. Well, that tank had done its bit, I have no doubt. And, since its heyday, the brain of Mars has spawned so many new ideas that this vast creature would have been obsolete, and ready for the scrap heap, even had the Hun not put it there before its time.

"Stow all that, son," he interrupted more tolerantly than was my due. "Forget your lungs, lights and liver and stand up a full-size man. In my opinion you've had too much doctorin'. A month with a bull train, and a diet of beans and sowbelly will put a linin' in your in'ards and a heart in your chest.

A sunburned, firm-jawed youth, stained by travel, lay upon the bed puffing at a brown cigarette. "What's the word, Ed?" gasped Merwin. "So, so," drawled that capable youngster. "Just got in on the 9:30. Sold the bunch for fifteen, straight. Now, buddy, you want to quit kickin' a valise around that's got $29,000 in greenbacks in its in'ards." There had to be a king and queen, of course.