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There was a strange look there, as of a man who had suddenly resolved to dare his fate, and yet was imploringly anxious as to the result. "For you have been frank with me, and so will I be with you. Why should you not have kept that flower? Yes, I sent it to you, and with all the purpose that such a thing could carry. Yes, you may be as angry as you please; only listen, Wenna.

And in her anguish Edith sank down upon her knees, and held out her arms imploringly. "Dudleigh!" she moaned. "Oh, my friend! Oh, only come only save me from this villain, and I will love I will love and bless you I will be your menial I will " "Pooh!" said Leon, "I'm the only Dudleigh about.

She stood upon the coffin, and across the corpse raised her eyes and hands imploringly to Heaven and then, in accents wilder even than her words, uttered an imprecation that sounded like the prophetic warning of some unholy spirit.

"There, the morning has come at last, for that is the voice of 'Oopehanka', the thrush. So after a week in the woods I really am beginning to recognize some of the birds and the Indian names for them." She clapped her hands softly together. "Oh, Princess, do wake up and let us have a swim before any one else wakens," she whispered imploringly.

And alone! What shall we do? You won't think of leaving me behind you, whatever you do? exclaimed Amabel, imploringly. 'It is at no great distance, and 'O, don't say that. Only take me with you. I will try to bear it, if you don't think it right; but it will be very hard. Her eyes were full of tears, but she struggled to repress them, and was silent in suspense as she saw him considering.

Oh, mamma," said she imploringly, "he seemed to love me; he seemed all truth. I am a poor unfortunate girl." Mrs. Dodd had only caresses to soothe her with. She could not hold out any hopes. One day Julia asked her timidly if she might be a district visitor: "My dear friend was, and advised me to be one too; but I was wilful in those days and chose to visit by fits and starts, and be independent.

"Pardon me, my daughter, you can sing it admirably if you choose," interposed her father. She turned to him imploringly, but his face was inflexible, and his eyes had an incensed look. For a moment she, too, was angry. Had he no mercy? She was about to decline coldly, but her friends were very urgent and clamorous "Please do," "Don't disappoint us," echoing on every side.

For a week or two after Wendy came it was doubtful whether they would be able to keep her, as she was another mouth to feed. Mr. Darling was frightfully proud of her, but he was very honourable, and he sat on the edge of Mrs. Darling's bed, holding her hand and calculating expenses, while she looked at him imploringly.

"Cousin," he said, imploringly, "since I am speaking to you as I would to my confessor, I do assure you, by the holy name of God, that I have nothing to reproach myself with except for having, now and then, buttered my bread on both sides; and I call on Saint-Labre, who is there over the chimney-piece, to witness that I have never said one word about the Gars.

From our cousins, the Princes de Conti, I learned that you had endured some great sorrow at the hands of Louvois, the French minister of war. I have waited for you to confide your troubles to me, but Great God! What is the matter?" Eugene had reined in his horse with such force, that it seemed to be falling back upon its haunches. His face was deadly pale, and his hand raised imploringly.