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Updated: August 8, 2024

He made a half block without further interruption; then he suddenly heard at his back a frightened scream, and a young woman came running toward him, followed at a distance by a roughly dressed man, the latter apparently the worse for liquor. Blair stopped, and the girl coming up, caught him by the arm imploringly. "Help me, Mister, please!" she pleaded breathlessly.

It had an instant effect upon Olive; she burst into tears, threw herself on her friend's bosom. "Oh, don't desert me don't desert me, or you'll kill me in torture," she moaned, shuddering. "You must help me you must help me!" cried Verena, imploringly too. Basil Ransom spent nearly a month at Marmion; in announcing this fact I am very conscious of its extraordinary character.

She stood in the doorway where she could be seen from both beds when she had done everything she could, and the two sisters, if not better, were much more comfortable than she had found them. "Now," she said, "I'm going to get a doctor. No, I won't leave you all alone not for long," she added hastily, for Miss Charity was gazing at her imploringly and Miss Hope's eyes were full of tears.

Somehow, she seemed like a ghost, too; for, when he stepped towards her, she retreated, keeping the same distance between them. "Dorcas!" said Swan, imploringly. "What do you want of me?" answered a sweet voice, trembling and low. "Are you really Dorcas? really, really my Dorcas?" said Swan, in an agony of uncertain emotion.

But Miles Harding's affairs had nothing to do with this. What did it all mean? Rex asked himself, as he sped off for the doctor. When he got back, Sydney had come to, but seemed to be suffering severely. And yet when asked if he was in pain, he would shake his head and beg so imploringly that they would leave him to himself, that the fears of the family were intensified many fold.

One old man, in especial, at the very top of his mast, jerked hither and thither by the sea, continued imploringly to offer an utterly ridiculous carved wooden camel long after it was impossible to have completed the transaction should anybody have been moonstruck enough to have desired it.

"I would please you if I could; but though my power to do evil has been great, alas! the means I possess of doing good are small indeed." "Oh, do more than think of it," exclaimed Nina, looking up imploringly in his face.

"The love that grew up in the child and did not wither in the maiden's heart, cannot be killed; but whoever consecrates one's life to the Lord. . . . " Here she suddenly paused, raised her hands and eyes rapturously, as if borne out of herself, and cried imploringly: "Thou art near me, Omnipotent One, and seest my heart!

A faint cry at his back from the trail he had just traversed made him turn. Only a few paces behind him, blinded and staggering, but following like a beaten and wounded animal, Teresa halted, knelt, clasped her hands, and dumbly held them out before her. "Teresa!" he cried again, and sprang to her side. She caught him by the knees, and lifted her face imploringly to his.

Take the freedom and dignity which befit a man of your accomplishments and with one exception ask of me anything else you choose." With one exception! Helga sprang forward and caught Leif's hand imploringly in hers. And Alwin, still upon his knee, reached out and grasped the chief's mantle. "Lord," he cried, "you have been better to me, a hundredfold better, than I deserve!

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