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Oh, Larry M'Hale he had little to fear, And never could want when the crops didn't fail; He'd a house and demesne and eight hundred a year, And the heart for to spend it, had Larry M'Hale! The soul of a party, the life of a feast, And an illigant song he could sing, I'll be bail; He would ride with the rector, and drink with the priest, Oh, the broth of a boy was old Larry M'Hale!

"I am going farther," said I, "I am thinking of passing the night at the 'Pump Saint." "Well, then, I would just advise your honour to do no such thing, but to turn back with me to the village above, where there is an illigant inn where your honour will be well accommodated." "Oh, I saw that as I came past," said I; "I don't think there is much accommodation there."

Well, ye may aisily think they had plinty to talk about, afther seven years without once seein' one another; and so signs on, the time flew by as swift an' as pleasant as a bird on the wing, an' the sun wint down, an' the moon shone sweet an' soft instead, an' they two never knew a ha'porth about it, but kept talkin' an' whisperin', an' whisperin' an' talkin'; for it's wondherful how often a tinder-hearted girl will bear to hear a purty boy tellin' her the same story constant over an' over; ontil at last, sure enough, they heerd the ould man himself comin' up the boreen, singin' the 'Colleen Rue' a thing he never done barrin' whin he had a dhrop in; an' the misthress walkin' in front iv him, an' two illigant Kerry cows he just bought in the fair, an' the sarvint boys dhriving them behind.

"Thrue for you, Miss they worr, and it's meself that was lyin' flat in the ditch wid me faytures makin' an illigant cast in the mud more betoken, as ye see even now and the sarjint and his daytail thrampin' round me. It was thin that the mortial cold sthruck thro' me mouth, and made me wake for the whiskey that would resthore me." "What did you desert fer?" "Ah, list to that now!

Pat has got Shamus na Pe'bria, all the ways out of County Mayo, him that makes all the pipes through the counthry, Miss; and did the music about O'Connell all out of his own head, Miss. Oh, it 'll be the most illigant wedding intirely, Miss, anywhere through the counthry, this long time back! When one is to be married, it's as well to do it dacently as not; arn't it, Miss?"

"Then it's I that am delighted to see yez, though see yez I can't. Oh, then, I hope that it's a long life and plenty you'll have before you, my sweet, dear, illigant young lady a good bed to lie on, and plenty to eat and drink. If you has them, what else could ail yez? Good-by to yez; good-by to yez." Nora slipped a couple of pence into his hand.

"'Oh, it bates all the illigant dancin' That iver was danced at a ball, Whin Teddy came out to the crowd, And danced upon nothin' at all Wid a himpin cravat round his neck That the hangman had fixed on his head; An' so he kept kickin' an' prancin' Long afher he ought to be dead. Whoor-ooo-ooo!"

"They cost every cint of five dollars," said Bridget. "They was made at one of the most fashionable shops in the city. Oh, they was an illigant pair when they was new." "How many years ago was that?" asked the pawnbroker. "Only six months, and they ain't been worn more'n a month." "I'll give you fifty cents." "Fifty cints!" repeated Mrs.

I'll take me wife wid me, an' we'll live in Paris, an' I'll get her the most illigant dhresses, an' coort coschumes, an' bonnets, an' boots, an' laces, an' gims, an' jools, that iver any woman wore. The Quane av Spain 'll be the Quane av France too; an' what's more, she'll be the quane of beauty an' fashion, an' the ex-Empress Eugenie'll be nowhere. She'll be forgotten."

"He might av axed the captain to dhrink, after savin' such a pair of illigant craythers," said Chane. "Sorra dhrap's in the house, Murt; the place looks dry," remarked another son of the Green Isle. "Och! an' it's a beautiful cage, anyhow," returned Chane; "and beautiful birds in it, too. It puts me in mind of ould Dimmerary; but there we had the liquor, the raal rum oshins of it, alanna!"