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Updated: July 31, 2024

"Well, suh, I b'longed ter de fambly, an' I ain' got no chick ner chile er my own, livin', an' dese hyuh dead folks 'pears mo' closer ter me dan anybody e'se.

He 'uz gwine long de street one day, w'en he heared two gent'emen one of 'em was ole Mars' Tom Sellers an' I fuhgot de yuther but dey 'uz talkin' 'bout dat ole ha'nted house down by de creek, 'bout a mile from hyuh, on de yuther side er town, whar we went fishin' las' week. Does you 'member de place?" "Yes, I remember the house."

Departing upon this errand, Penrod found Duke enjoying the declining rays of the sun in the front yard. "Hyuh, Duke!" called his master, in an indulgent tone. "Come on, good ole Dukie! Come along!" Duke rose conscientiously and followed him. "I got him, men!" Penrod called from the stairway. "I got our good ole calf all ready to be tied up. Here he is!"

"Work," he murmured, "is best for happiness, but in this climate idleness has its compensations. What, in the end, do we get for all our labour?" "Fifty cents a day, an' fin' yo'se'f, suh," said Peter, supposing the soliloquy addressed to himself. "Dat's w'at dey pays roun' hyuh."

Yessuh; he say white man goin' to git you yit an' th'ow you in jail 'count o' Whitey. White man tryin' to fine out who you IS. He say, nemmine, he'll know Whitey ag'in, even if he don' know you! He say he ketch you by the hoss; so you come roun' tryin' fix me up with Whitey so white man grab me, th'ow ME in 'at jail. G'on 'way f'um hyuh, you Abalene!

"Whut yuh doin' hyuh, w'ite lady?" he asked in a thick voice, and grinned. And quite suddenly such a fear as I had not dreamed could be felt by a mortal took me by the heart and squeezed it as with an iron hand. "Whut foh yuh come by mah field, lil w'ite lady?" he purred. "Ah'm takin' lil snooze in de ditch grass, an' dey yuh comes, wakin' me up! Whut yuh wake me up for, w'ite gal?"

Can you see anything?" And the answer came in the drawl of the Southland: "Hyuh 'em plain 'nuff, but they don't show a light yet. Reckon they don't mean tuh." "We'll give them the fill of our magazines if they don't halt at the word. Wait till I let drive, then let them have it!"

Er ef you'd buy Bud, suh, lack you did Unc' Peter, he would n' mind wukkin' fer you, suh, fer Bud is a good wukker we'n folks treats him right; an' he had n' never had no trouble nowhar befo' he come hyuh, suh." "How did he come to be arrested the first time?" asked the colonel.

He 'lows dat she knows whar old Mars' Rafe Dudley, his uncle, hid a million dollahs endyoin' de wah, an' huh tongue's paralyse' so she can't tell 'im an' he's be'n tryin' ter fin' out fer de las' twenty-five years. I wo'ked out hyuh one summer on plantation, an' I seen 'em gwine on like dat many 'n' many a time.

"Who was the lady, Plato?" asked the teacher when the visitor had driven away. "Dat 'uz my ole mist'iss, ma'm," returned Plato proudly, "ole Mis' 'Liza." "Mis' 'Liza who?" asked Rena. "Mis' 'Liza Tryon. I use' ter b'long ter her. Dat 'uz her son, my young Mars Geo'ge, w'at driv pas' hyuh yistiddy wid 'is sweetheart." Rena had found her task not a difficult one so far as discipline was concerned.

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