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A young couple, every way amiable and deserving, were to have been married, and a benefit-play was bespoke by the officers of the regiment quartered there, to defray the expense of a license and of the wedding-ring, but the profits of the night did not amount to the necessary sum, and they have, I fear, 'virgined it e'er since'! Oh, for the pencil of Hogarth or Wilkie to give a view of the comic strength of the company at , drawn up in battle-array in the Clandestine Marriage, with a coup d'oeil of the pit, boxes, and gallery, to cure for ever the love of the ideal, and the desire to shine and make holiday in the eyes of others, instead of retiring within ourselves and keeping our wishes and our thoughts at home!

Next he was stopped at E, then at N, then at R, and next at Y; and so on, till the full name of Henry Hogarth was spelled out. "You wish to communicate with me; then you love me now?" The three quick raps meaning "Yes" was the immediate reply. "Are you satisfied with what I have done at Cross Hall since your death?" Again the alphabet was called for, and the raps spelled out, "Very much pleased."

The brutal rough remains, and the gangs of scamps who infest London in various spots are quite as bad as the beings whom Hogarth drew. They have all been forced into the Government schools; all of them have learned to read and write, and not one was suffered to leave school until he had reached the age of fourteen years or passed a moderately high standard according to the Code.

Byrom, a poet of whom his native town, Manchester, may be justly proud; and his features and figure have been preserved by the most illustrious of his companions on the present occasion, Hogarth, in the levée in the "Rake's Progress," and in "Southwark Fair."

The Adams brothers, to whom many of the best forms of the period are referable, were great architects as well as great designers. Even so distinguished a painter as Hogarth delighted in composing symmetrical forms for furniture, and preached persistently the beauty of curved instead of rectangular lines.

To this I might have replied that Hogarth did not paint for the applause of tyros in art, but for the world! The "Reflector" was edited by an old Christ's Hospital boy, Mr. Leigh Hunt, who subsequently became, and during their joint lives remained, one of Lamb's most familiar friends. It was a quarterly magazine, and received, of course, the contributions of various writers; amongst whom were Mr.

"And of the Jewry!" screamed his lordship, amid laughter from the merry wigs. As Frankl stepped down, a name was called at which Hogarth went cold as a ghost: "Rebekah Frankl".

"Of stones of this water and carating", said Hogarth, "we have two hundred and eleven in the Bank of England, two hundred and thirty- eight in other English and Continental banks, and seventy-five in safe-deposit.

But Hogarth should have converted the ship's masts themselves into Tyburn-trees, and thus, with the ocean for a background, closed the career of his hero. It would then have had all the dramatic force of the opera of Don Juan, who, after running his impious courses, is swept from our sight in a tornado of devils.

The London view at large had in fact more than a Cruikshank, there still survived in it quite a Hogarth, side which I had of course then no name for, but which I was so sharply to recognise on coming back years later that it fixed for me the veracity of the great pictorial chronicler.