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"Hope you're taking guns along, because if you do run across them hobo fellers you'll be apt to need them right bad," Larry went on to say, also looking downcast at having to miss all the sport simply because Nature had never intended him for an aviator, as he was inclined to get dizzy when looking down from any height. "Oh!

" a breathless "Yes-s" those two small faces reminded him much of terriers watching a rat-hole "there was a hobo." He thought hard. "He was a very dirty old hobo he never used to wash his face. He was walking along the road one day when he heard a little wee voice call out 'Hey!. He looked down and he saw an empty tomato-can on a rubbish heap.

"'Cup o' coffee an' a sand'ich t'ick slab o' de pig, Cap'n, please, said my hobo friend. "I saw some strawberries behind the counter and I said to the waiter: 'Just start us both in on strawberries and cream, then let us have coffee and some of that fried chicken. "'Sport, you are in on this, said I to the tramp.

It's your right to know. I wasn't one of the nasty kind and I wasn't a sneak. But I was the leader of my gang. Maybe you know what that means. Of course the police got it in for me. Finally they made it so hot I had to get out of Chicago. I took to the road became a bum." "Not that! surely not that!" "Well, no, only a kid hobo.

I thought you were a hobo after my chickens, or trying to bluff me into a free meal this morning. If you'd asked straight for it, I'd have given it you." Geoffrey hesitated, divided between an inclination to laugh or to assault the rancher, who perhaps guessed his thoughts, for, dismounting, he said: "If you're so mighty thin-skinned what are you doing here?

He said there was a time card rule, that forbade him allowing any unauthorized person in his office; he thought I was some semi-respectable "hobo," who wanted a place to stay all night; how in the world was he to know? Suppose some one else had come out and said he was the chief despatcher, was he going to let them in the office without some proof?

"'You shut your mouth! said the old hobo, 'or I'll chuck you into the river! And he poured some of the stuff out of the bottle into the can " At this exciting point poor George halted for breath and mopped his forehead. He felt fully as thirsty as the tomato-can. But the children were upon him, clutching his scarlet tunic: "What did he do then?" howled Jerry.

The hobo saw my awakened interest, and he added: "'Did you never notice a man carryin a heavy load? He kind of totters, walkin' with his feet apart to keep his balance. That makes his foot tracks side by side like, instead of one before the other as he makes them when he's goin' light."

And Hardy went. Anyhow, that hobo was my prisoner, and I didn't aim to let High Chin get his hands on him." "I see. Well, you have a strange way of doing things, but I appreciate why you acted as you did. Of course, you know it is a grave offense to aid a prisoner to escape." "Buck Hardy seems to think so." "So do I. And how about that horse?"

And in its next incarnation, consistently and logically, it attaches itself to the American outcast, namely, the tramp. Then, as others have mutilated its sense, the tramp mutilates its form, and ho-boy becomes exultantly hobo. Wherefore, the large stone and brick cells, lined with double and triple-tiered bunks, in which the Law is wont to incarcerate him, he calls the Hobo.